Rowbotham, Galloway & Azhashemi – Operations Management in Context 2e
English | eBook | Size: 2.36 MB
The second edition of Operations Management in Context provides students with excellent grounding in the theory and practice of operations management and its role within organizations. Structured in a clear and logical manner, it gradually leads newcomers to this subject through each topic area, highlighting key issues, and using practical case study material and examples to contextualize learning. Each chapter is structured logically and concludes with summary material to aid revision. Exercises and self-assessment questions are included to reinforce learning and maintain variety, with answers included at the end of the text.
From the introduction: “The operations function is probably less well understood than any other business function. In manufacturing industries it is generally taken to be production and best left to specialists. In some service organizations the term is hardly recognized. It is certainly not as well recognized as the other business functions. A little thought, however, shows that the better identified disciplines such as finance, marketing, or personnel are essentially support activities to the main value adding activity of the organization. This core activity of any organization, the transformation of some input–material, information, customer–into an output of greater value–for example a computer, an insurance policy or a satisfied customer–is the operations function. Without this the other functions would be irrelevant. Operations management is concerned with any productive activity, whether manufacturing or service, public sector or private sector, profit making or not for profit. It is concerned with ensuring that operations are carried out both efficiently and effectively.
“All managers are operations managers since all functions within an organization are, presumably, productive activities. It goes without saying that all functions should be carried out efficiently and effectively. However, the operations function is at the heart of all manufacturing and service enterprises, and unless this core operation is carried out effectively, there is little hope that the organization as a whole will be effective.”
1 The operations function
2 The context of operations management
3 Organization of the operations process
4 Design and measurement of work
5 Managing and productivity of work
6 Planning and control of work: the management of capacity
7 Planning and control of work: the management of materials
8 Scheduling batch and flow processes
9 Project planning and control
10 Purchasing and supply chain management
11 Quality management
12 Strategic issues in operations management
Case studies
Answers to self-assessment questions
Format: PDF
Length: 453 pages
Published: 2007 by Elsevier Science & Technology
ISBN: 661365938X
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