Python lists, tuples, sets and dictionaries – Intermediates | Udemy

Python lists, tuples, sets and dictionaries – Intermediates | Udemy
English | Size: 361.62 MB
Genre: eLearning

What you should know about working with Python lists beyond beginner level to become an intermediate Python programmer.

What you’ll learn
You will be able to make better decisions when to use one of the 4 built-in container types by seeing their specific features
Work more efficiently with lists and tuples by practicing iteration, subscription and unpacking
The purpose of dictionaries and sets and their powerful operations
Common list operations that can be applied to one or more containers
Work with parts of lists by slicing them
Transform containers with mapping and filtering by using comprehensions

This course teaches developers what they should know about Python lists beyond beginner level. The course aims to solidify and deepen your basic knowledge about lists, tuples, dictionaries and sets to intermediate level. Developers who follow the course, will learn tips and tricks and work through many exercises that allows them to practice common list tasks.

Target audience

Developers who especially benefit from this course, are:

beginning programmers with ~6 months Python experience who want to take their coding skills to the next level

developers who bring experience from another programming language and want to learn how to work with lists in Python

self-taught Python developers who want to improve their list skills by learning best practices


Students that are interested in this course often know basic list features but are not yet aware of Python’s unique language features that allows to write more optimized code. This can lead to verbose or slow code. It is my goal to teach you up-to-date, preferred ways to work with lists in Python and make your code readable, predictable and elegant.

What can you do after this course?

Make better decisions when to use one of the 4 built-in container types by seeing their specific features.

Work with lists more efficiently by using Python-specific language features like unpacking, slicing and comprehensions.

Optimize your existing code after learning that Python offers many built-in common list operations.


What is a Container? Container definition and the 4 built-in container types in Python.

Lists: Create and change lists. Accessing elements, reverse, sort, count elements.

Tuples: Create and unpack, assign, swap variables, tuples as return type.

Dictionaries: Dictionary purpose, keys, lookup, iterate.

Sets: Set purpose, mathematical operations, superset, subset.

Common operations: Zip, enumerate, all, any, concatenate, check if element is in list.

Slicing: Slice, head, tail, init, last.

Comprehensions: Mapping, filtering, flatten, matrix.


2 hours video time, ~6 hours including practicing exercises.

The teacher

This course is taught by Loek van den Ouweland, a senior software engineer with 25 years of professional experience. Loek is the creator of Wunderlist for windows, Microsoft To-do and Mahjong for Windows and loves to teach software engineering.

Who this course is for:
beginning programmers with ~6 months Python experience who want to take their coding skills to the next level
developers who bring experience from another programming language and want to learn how to work with lists in Python
self-taught Python developers who want to improve their list skills by learning best practices

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