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Prepare for your SAA-C03 exam. 390 high-quality practice test questions written from scratch with detailed explanations!
Preparing for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03? This is THE practice exams course to give you the winning edge.
These practice exams have been co-authored by Stephane Maarek and Abhishek Singh who bring their collective experience of passing 20 AWS Certifications to the table.
The tone and tenor of the questions mimic the real exam. Along with the detailed description and “exam alert” provided within the explanations, we have also extensively referenced AWS documentation to get you up to speed on all domain areas being tested for the SAA-C03 exam.
We want you to think of this course as the final pit-stop so that you can cross the winning line with absolute confidence and get AWS Certified! Trust our process, you are in good hands.
All questions have been written from scratch! And more questions are being added over time! You can see for yourself some of the amazing testimonials from our students who have aced the real exam:
5 stars: I just passed my SAA-C03 today and I would like to thank Stephan for creating such great content. I went through his course and did these practice papers as well. And the questions were really similar to the ones which came in the actual exams. I am still stunned with my score since I got 1000/1000. If this does not clear your doubt then nothing will. Don’t think twice, take this course. – Nisha V.
5 stars: Great exams, similar to those found at the real exam (which I passed with a score of 845). Great job Stephane! – Ignacio R.
5 stars: Excellent test prep. I passed with a score of 1000!!. If you just do Stephane’s Solution Architect course and this test course, you will pass the certification for sure. Ankur W.
Quality speaks for itself…
A social gaming startup has its flagship application hosted on a fleet of EC2 servers running behind an Elastic Load Balancer. These servers are part of an Auto Scaling Group. 90% of the users start logging into the system at 6 pm every day and continue till midnight. The engineering team at the startup has observed that there is a significant performance lag during the initial hour from 6 pm to 7 pm. The application is able to function normally thereafter.
As a solutions architect, which of the following steps would you recommend addressing the performance bottleneck during that initial hour of traffic spike?
Configure your Auto Scaling group by creating a scheduled action that kicks-off before 6 pm. This causes the scale-out to happen even before peak traffic kicks in at 6 pm
Configure your Auto Scaling group by creating a lifecycle hook that kicks-off before 6 pm. This causes the scale-out to happen even before peak traffic kicks in at 6 pm.
Configure your Auto Scaling group by creating a target tracking policy. This causes the scale-out to happen even before peak traffic kicks in at 6 pm.
Configure your Auto Scaling group by creating a step scaling policy. This causes the scale-out to happen even before peak traffic kicks in at 6 pm.
What’s your guess? Scroll below for the answer…
Welcome to the best practice exams to help you prepare for your AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam.
You can retake the exams as many times as you want
This is a huge original question bank
You get support from instructors if you have questions
Each question has a detailed explanation
Mobile-compatible with the Udemy app
30-days money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied
We hope that by now you’re convinced!… And there are a lot more questions inside the course.
Happy learning and best of luck for your AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam!
Who this course is for:
Anyone preparing for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03

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