Pollinate Trading – Curvy Trading System 2023

Pollinate Trading – Curvy Trading System 2023
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Genre: eLearning

Why trade a system?

Curvy is a complete trading system.

Curvy 1.0 is a completely rules based trading system. You sit down, you find the setup, and you take it each and every time.

When I traded Curvy 1.0 full time from September through December I averaged 43.37R per month.

Just to clarify what R is, R = the amount of risk per trade.

So if I risked $300 (how much I’d lose if the trade stopped out) then 43.37R is $13,011 in profits.

It wasn’t exactly 43.37R per month, some months substantially higher and others lower, that’s how trading goes.

One of the challenges of trading this was that I was trading four different assets at a time, and it takes a lot of focus. I would sit down an hour before the market opened, and I wouldn’t leave until the market closed.

I’d take 6-10 trade per day at about a 50% win rate.

If you can commit to that effort (and honestly it’s hard), it’ll pay off over time.

Then I wanted to be able to still earn good returns, but be a bit more flexible in my day.

Curvy 2.0 was built to increase win rates and cut down on the number of trades I needed to take. Of course with less trades means less returns, but I got freedom back to my day.

I could get back to working out and hitting the trails during the day, knowing that if there was a trade I had 10-20 minutes warning before I had to enter.

And I even added a new trading session with this, trading $EURUSD and $GBPJPY during the Asia trading sessions.

That changed everything for me. By using a prop firm for risk capital (I use Apex and Surge Trader I can run a $1M account with a $100k stop loss).

The next evolution to Curvy is adding in a discretionary level to it, for those who are comfortable with a bit of discretion on top of a solid systems trading foundation.

Curvy 3.0 is ready to go!

Curvy 3.0 still uses the same foundations but solve some pesky issues.

Such as…

How often have you put a trade on, got filled and it blasted right up to your +2R profit target? You step away, go for a victory lap, go for a walk, grab some lunch only to come back and see that the trade didn’t stop at +2R, it’s actually at +10R.

Curvy 3.0 doesn’t catch every one of these, but it helps identify times when you’ll want to hang on (and even add to your positions) as there’s a clear path to prices going much further than Curvy 1.0 and 2.0 are even targeting.

How many times have you sat waiting for a trade to follow all the rules before you got in, waiting for the pullback…that never comes.

I can’t count how many times I’ve sat waiting for $NQ or $CL to pullback and give me the proper entry only to watch it explode higher, not once giving me a place to get in.

With Curvy 3.0 I can see when the trade is turning and when traders are about to be trapped in the wrong direction, causing a massive reaction in the other direction while they have to chase to close their positions and traders who want in will pile in to catch the new trend.

And what about being perfectly in the trade, stops respected, flying in your direction, heading to your profit target, then within a couple of ticks reverses and you end up with a breakeven, or worse a full stop out.

Today, I was in a trade that was up 2.21R, and I was stalking a 5R++ profit target.

Everything said it was a go, but in the last 30 minutes of trading, there was a clear Curvy 3.0 sell setup that took me out of the trade.

Had I been stubborn and not paying attention, I’d have given all my profits back, but Curvy 3.0 got me out with a decent profit on the day.

I was able to take the trade which instantly worked in my favor, add to it, while I was at the gym, and adjust to trail out.

One trade, multiple adds, and a trail stop out.

And the traders in the Trading Lab, they played along as well. I also called out a 0DTE option trade on $SPY that went from $0.15 to $0.75 or a 400% gain.

So yeah, Curvy 3.0 is my favorite ever!





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