OrhanErgun.net – Cisco CCIE Service Provider v5 Training (part 2 of 17) – Broadband Technologies
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Hundreds of people passed the CCIE Service Provider exam with this course!
This CCIE Service Provider v5.1 course covers all you need to pass the CCIE Service Provider v5 Lab Exam.
If you have CCNA-level knowledge, you can start CCIE training with our program because this course is around 100 hours, starts from the CCNA level, and goes into very advanced topics.
Technologies are covered from theory, design, and lab aspects in this CCIE SP course.
Design is critical for the CCIE SP v5 exam because, unlike the old version, CCIE SP v4, CCIE SP v5 comes with 40% of the exam as a Design module, which is 3 hours scenario-based (Similar to the CCDE Exam).
With ten years of CCDE training experience, Orhan Ergun will also teach all the technologies from a design perspective in this course.
Although this is a Self-paced course, all students are placed in the same study group as the others, and Orhan Ergun leads this group.
Hello, this is Part 02 of OrhanErgun.net – Cisco CCIE Service Provider Training