MERN Stack Resume Builder – React , Node , Mongo DB , AntD | Udemy

MERN Stack Resume Builder – React , Node , Mongo DB , AntD | Udemy
English | Size: 395.12 MB
Genre: eLearning

What you’ll learn
MERN Stack all CRUD Operations
Understanding how Real Time Projects developed using the world most popular tech stack MERN.
Building complex Web Apps without using State Management Tool like Redux.
Working with the best Non Relational database Mongo DB
Develop your own Resume Builder without depending on any third party websites.
24/7 Support from the team
By the end of the course you will know you to work full stack applications in both local and production environment
Deploying the app to Heroku ( Live Production Environment )

Hi , Welcome to the course MERN Stack Resume Builder

If went want to build any professional Resume / CV , mostly we will choose third party websites or MS Word . But now as a Web Developer we should not depends like other people for resumes. We can develop our own resume builder with the technologies which we already knew.

So In this course I will teach you how to develop your own resume builder with the worlds most popular tech stack MERN.

We will learn the following concepts on the next five hours.

MERN Stack all CRUD Operations

Understanding how Real Time Projects developed using the world most popular tech stack MERN.

Building complex Web Apps without using State Management Tool like Redux.

Working with the best Non Relational database Mongo DB

Develop your own Resume Builder without depending on any third party websites.

24/7 Support from the team

By the end of the course you will know you to work full stack applications in both local and production environment

Deploying the app to Heroku ( Live Production Environment )

MERN Stack: MERN Stack is a JavaScript Stack that is used for easier and faster deployment of full-stack web applications. MERN Stack comprises of 4 technologies namely: MongoDB, Express, React and Node.js. It is designed to make the development process smoother and easier.

MongoDB: A document-oriented, No-SQL database used to store the application data.

NodeJS: The JavaScript runtime environment. It is used to run JavaScript on a machine rather than in a browser.

Express JS: A framework layered on top of NodeJS, used to build the backend of a site using NodeJS functions and structures. Since NodeJS was not developed to make websites but rather run JavaScript on a machine, Express JS was developed.

ReactJS: A library created by Facebook. It is used to build UI components that create the user interface of the single page web application.

Each of these four technologies plays an important role in providing an end-to-end framework for the developers. Even these four technologies play an important role in the development process of web applications.

Before MERN stack, it was earlier named as MEAN stack, MERN Stack is one of the variations of MEAN, here MEAN is also comprises of four components or say four different technologies, i.e., M is for MongoDB, ‘ E ‘ is for Express, ‘ A ‘ is for Angular.js, and ‘ N ‘ is for Node, here if you will observe, then you can identify that in MEAN, ‘ A ‘, i.e., Angular.js is replaced by ‘ R ‘, i.e., React.js in MERN, the main reason behind is – MERN Stack is mainly used for faster development of smaller applications as compared with MEAN, MEAN stack is a mainly better option for large-scale applications. Still, it takes more time for the development of smaller applications. They also both have different structures comparatively.

Who this course is for:
MERN Stack Developers
React Developers
Full Stack Developers
Students who want to build Real World Projects with MERN Stack

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