Lynda – Learning Adobe ColdFusion 10

Lynda – Learning Adobe ColdFusion 10
English | Size: 798.8MB
Category: Tutorial

This course comes with high-quality project files that you can use as you follow along with the course’s lessons. If you’re reading this file, you’ve likely already unzipped the project files onto your hard drive. Be sure you maintained the folder structure of the zip’s contents when you unzipped them. The files are organized by course chapter.

Note: Some courses feature project files that use fonts. For those courses, the fonts aren’t included with the project files out of respect for the font creator’s copyrights. If you don’t have these fonts, you can choose to replace them when you open the document.

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If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at We want to make sure you have a fantastic experience with this and all courses.

Please see Terms & Conditions on our website for the full terms and conditions of purchase: This course is copyright All project file assets are copyright or the assets’ creators, and your use of these images, audio files, etc., is limited to instructional purposes.

Thank you for your support, and enjoy the course!

Using Your Project Files

Note from author:
Files to use for Getting Started with ColdFusion 10

chapter start file end file

0201 new page newPage.cfm
0202 new page variables.cfm
0203 variables.cfm variables.cfm
0204 variables.cfm includes.cfm

0302 buildQuery.cfm buildQuery.cfm
0303 buildQuery.cfm buildQueryDump.cfm
0304 buildQueryDump.cfm queryProperties.cfm
0305 queryProperties.cfm debugQuery.cfm

0401 outputQuery.cfm outputQuery.cfm

0501 outputQuery.cfm url.cfm
0502 url.cfm urlDynamic.cfm
0503 tours.cfm tours.cfm (corrected links across the entire project on 22 files)
0504 tours.cfm tours-createdHyperlinks.cfm
0505 tours-createdHyperlinks.cfm tours-completeListing.cfm
0506 tours-completeListing.cfm tours-queryDetails.cfm
0507 tours-queryDetails.cfm tours-detailsCompleted.cfm

0603 contactUsAction.cfm contactUsAction-display.cfm
0604 contactUsAction-display.cfm contactUsAction-redirect.cfm

replace the contactUs & the contactUsThankYou page in each chapters folders with the updated one from the travelAdv folder
also replace the toursUpdate pages in each chapter with those from the chapter 8 start folder

chapter 7

0701 toursInsert.cfm toursInsert.cfm
0702 toursinsert.cfm toursInsert-noValidation.cfm
0703 toursInsert-noValidation.cfm toursInsert-addRedirect.cfm
0704 toursInsert-coldfusion.cfm toursInsert-complete.cfm

0801 toursUpdate.cfm toursUpdate.cfm
0802 toursUpdate.cfm toursUpdate-tourID.cfm
0803 toursUpdate-tourID.cfm toursUpdate-populateFields.cfm
0804 toursUpdate-populateFields.cfm toursUpdate-yesNo.cfm
0805 toursUpdate-yesNo.cfm toursUpdate-complete.cfm

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