Learn AWS Step By Step With 3 Projects | Udemy

Learn AWS Step By Step With 3 Projects | Udemy
English | Size: 1.33 GB
Genre: eLearning

What you’ll learn
Core Concepts Of AWS
Manual steps to Configure AWS Services For Automation
Project I: How to Make EC2 as Web Server
Project II: How to Bootstrap Web Server Creation
Project III: Design Custom VPC Project
Project IV: Setting Up AWS RDS DB Instance for MySql DB Engine
Project V: Design High Availiblity AWS Infrastructure
Learn Manual Steps to Create AWS Services For Automating AWS (Pre-requisit for Next Courses in AWS Automation Series)

Learn AWS Step By Step is the First Course in AWS Automation Series. In this course you will be learning the AWS services in Step By Step Manner with manual steps using AWS Management Console . We will be learning the AWS Services with Practical approach. I have designed AWS Automation Series courses in such a manner that you can easily work with any of the AWS project after finishing the series. This course is pre-requisite for my upcoming AWS Automation courses. I will be coming with complete AWS Automation series with different technologies (Like Boto3 / PowerShell / Shell Scripting / Serverless Architecture / Cloud DevOps ) in the Next 6 Months. My Target for this series is that you will learn the Industry Standard different approaches of AWS Automation that will help you to grab the job of AWS Automation Developer / Architect.

In this course you will be Learning following Concepts and with LAB (Manual steps Using AWS Management Console) based approach

AWS Automation Series Course 1: Learn AWS Step By Step

STEP 1: OVERVIEW & SETUP : AWS Overview And Intial Setup

Prior To AWS

What is AWS Regions / Availibility Zone / Edge Locations

Setting Up The AWS Free Tier Account

STEP 2: ECOSYSTEM : Learn AWS Ecosystem

Understand AWS Management Console

Setup Free Tier Usage Billing Alarm

Understand Identity access management

STEP 3:: COMPUTE : Learn AWS Compute Service

CONCEPT – Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

LAB – Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

STEP 4: BLOCK STORAGE: Learn AWS Elastic Block Storage

CONCEPT – Elastic Block Storage (EBS)

LAB – Elastic Block Storage (EBS)

STEP 5:MACHINE IMAGE : Learn About Amazon Machine Image


PROJECT I: Make EC2 Instance As Webserver

PROJECT I : EC2 : Make EC2 Instance As Webserver

STEP 6: Bootstrapping

Learn Bootstrapping

STEP 7:Learn About Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) In Depth

CONCEPT : VPC Component : Introduction with Subnet and CIDR Block

CONCEPT : VPC Component : Security Group

LAB : VPC Component : Security Group

CONCEPT : VPC Component : RouteTable

CONCEPT : VPC Component : Internet Gateway

CONCEPT : VPC Component : Elastic IP

CONCEPT : VPC Component : NAT (Network Address Translation)

CONCEPT : VPC Component : Egress-Only Internet Gateways

CONCEPT : VPC Component : Flow Logs / NACL / Implied Router

LAB: Default VPC


Design Custom VPC

STEP 8: ELB: Learn About AWS Elastic Load Balancing

CONCEPT AND LAB: ELB : Elastic Load Balancer

STEP 9: S3 : Learn About Simple Storage Service

CONCEPTS : S3 : Simple Storage Service

LAB: S3 : Simple Storage Service

STEP 10: MONITORING : AWS-Cloudwatch

CONCEPT : AWS Cloudwatch

STEP 11: CDN : Learn About AWS Cloudfront

CONCEPTS : CDN : AWS Cloudfront

LAB: CDN : AWS Cloudfront

STEP 12 : ROUTE53 : Learn About Route53

CONCEPTS: ROUTE53 : Learn about Route53

STEP 13: DATABASES : AWS Relational Database Service(RDS)

CONCEPTS : RDS : Learn About AWS Relational Database Service

LAB: RDS : Learn About AWS Relational Database Service

FINAL PROJECT: Design High Availability AWS Infrastructure

Design High Availability AWS Infrastructure

Who this course is for:
Who want to Learn AWS with Industry Practice
Who Want To Learn AWS Services Step By Step
Who Want To Learn How To Design High Availibity AWS Infrastructure
Who want to learn how to create Core Services Of AWS Manually using AWS Management Console
Who want to Learn Manual Steps for Creating AWS Services For Automating AWS



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