Learn API & Microservices Testing | Udemy

Learn API & Microservices Testing | Udemy
English | Size: 18.16 GB
Genre: eLearning

What you’ll learn
You will be able to understand what the Webservices & API’s are, and their functionality.
After completing this course you can start working on API & Webservices testing projects
Covered most popular API testing tools like Postman, SOAPUI, Ready API & RestAssured API Automation
You will learn how to develop and test Microservices

This course is designed to make you an expert in working with Back end Testing.

Nowadays, almost all web applications use web services to communicate or interact with each other. Most modern day web services are built on Representational state transfer (REST) architecture; REST has gained a lot of popularity and it will continue to do the same due to its simplicity in comparison with other technologies.

90%of the IT industry now heading towards this API for automating Services. On course completion You will be familiar with REST API testing using Postman, SOAPUI & RestAssured and can implement Successfully it in your work place or will surely land on High Paying Job.

Also this course covered development and testing of microservices using Spring Boot & Mackito Junit framework.

Topics Covered:

Module1: Basics of API & Web services Testing

What is Client and Server?

Client Server architecture

Presentation, Business & Database Layer

What is Request & Response

What is API

What is API Testing

API Testing VS Unit Testing

What is Web Service

Difference between API & Web service

Components of Web services ( WSDL & UDDI)

Types of Web services

SOAP VS Rest services


API/Web service testing challenges

Web Service API testing tools

Web services API Testing process

What to test in Webservices /API Testing


Status Codes

Examples of Web service API’s

Module 2: API Testing using Postman

Download and Install Postman

Postman Navigation

Creating Requests & Analyzing Response

Request Parameters in Postman

Postman Collections

End to End test case(GET , POST, PUT , DELETE)

Basic Authentication in Postman

Test and Collection Runner in Postman

Workflows in Postman

Pre-Request Script in Postman

Variables in POSTMAN

Environment/Global variables

Adding Postman Environment

Postman workspace

How to share collections in workspaces

Postman Coding

Data Driven testing using Json & CSV files

How to Run data-driven Tests

JSON, XML & HTML Payloads

Authorization Types in Postman

Run Postman tests in command Line

Generating Reports in Postman

Real Time Examples – Facebook API

Importing Facebook API’s into Postman

How to handle SOAP Web service Requests in Postman

Module 3: SOAPUI /Ready API (Functional Testing)

What is SoapUI? Why to use SoapUI

How to Download and Install SoapUI

GUI components of SoapUI

How to create a SOAP API Project

How to add WSDL

How to create Test Suite – Test Cases

How to add Assertions

Run Test Step – Test Case – Test Suite

How to run in sequence and in parallel

How to create API Documentation

Create a REST Project

Add a REST request

How to add request parameters

Create a Test Case

Add assertions

Run and Validate

What are assertions? Why do we add assertions

Diff types of assertions in SoapUI

What is property in SOAPUI? Why do we use it

How to create properties at different levels

How to refer properties

How to add groovy scripts in SoapUI

Property Transfer/Value Transfer

Parameterization /Data Driven testing

Working with Data Sources in SOAPUI Pro/ReadyAPI

Data Driven Testing using Excel file

Data Driven Testing using Text File

Data Driven Testing using Grid

Data Driven Testing using JDBC

Data Source – Data Generation

Data Source loop and Data Sink

How to run a Tests from SOAPUI GUI

Generate Reports in SOAPUI

How to run a Tests from Command Line

Generate reports from Command Line

Real Time Examples – Flickr & Google Maps

Module 4: SwaggerUI

Swagger UI overview

The Swagger UI Petstore example

Authorize your requests

Make a request

Verify that your pet was created

Some sample Swagger UI doc sites

Create a Swagger UI display with an OpenAPI spec document

Module 5: API Automation Testing using REST Assured using Java & TestNG

Introduction to HTTP methods

REST Assured Setting up environment (Eclipse, Maven & TestNG)

Send GET request using REST-Assured

Send POST request using REST-Assured

Send PUT request using REST-Assured

Send DELETE request using REST-Assured

REST-Assured Extracting values from the response.

Validating Response codes and status line

JSON Schema Validation

Validating Headers

Validating Authenticated API’s

Rest Assured End-to-End Test Case

Module 6: Rest Assured Framework using TestNG, Maven,Jenkins, Git & Github

Create Maven Project

Update pom.xml

Create Folder structure

Develop Utilities (RestUtls & Listeners)

Creating Test Cases

Create Extent Reports

Run Tests using TestNG XML

Create TestBase Class

Add logs to Tests using Apache log4j

Run Project through pom.xml

Run Project through command prompt

Run Project through Jenkins

Upload project to Git & Git hub

Module 7: API Automation Testing using REST Assured using BDD (Behavior Driven Development) Approach

Environment setup

Keywords used in BDD Approach

How to send GET Request

How to send POST Request

How to send PUT Request

How to send DELETE Request

Validating Headers

Authorization parameters

Basic validations on JSON Response

Basic validations on XML Response

How to rooPath & detachRootPath in RestAssured

Different ways of Reading Response

Working with Response Headers

Working with Response Cookies

Working with Authentication API’s

Types Parameters and working with Parameters

How to use Request Specification Builder & Response Specification Builder


Serialization & De-serialization

Rest API Testing without Serialization & De-serialization- JSON

Rest API Testing using Serialization & De-serialization – JSON

Rest API Testing without Serialization & De-serialization- XML

Rest API Testing using Serialization & De-serialization – XML

Module 7: Microservices Testing using Spring Boot, Junit, Mackito and H2 Database , RestTemplate

Who this course is for:
Beginners, Fresh graduates,Manual Testers and Automation Test Engineers



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