Lauren Eckstrom – Vinyasa-less with Lauren
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Giving your wrists, shoulders and upper body a break this series will have you working differently but just as effectively. Each class skips the vinyasa (no planks, Chaturangas, Up Dogs, or Downward Facing Dogs) but will still challenge your balance, improve strength, and invoke the cardio vascular system to give you a well-rounded power yoga practice all while alleviating your upper body for the times when your wrists and shoulders need a much deserved break.
The first class in this vinyasa-less flow series will move you through the familiar Sun Salutations and basic standing postures of a traditional power yoga practice to help you ground and strengthen all while moving in a safe, effective and cardio vascular stimulating way to warm your body, empower your breath and leave you feeling balanced, steady and centered.
Now that you’ve established some familiarity with a vinyasa-less flow it’s time to get creative! Combining complex standing balancing transitions you will work to activate the different hemisphere of the brain through a combination of twisting postures, lower body strengthening movements and more. Postures include Warrior III, Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana III, Skandasana and Twisting Half Moon. Two blocks are suggested for this practice.
The final vinyasa-less flow will stretch and open your shoulders and upper back with postures such as Eagle, Reverse Prayer and Gomukasana all while avoiding Plank and Chaturanga to give your upper body a period of relief. The sequence is interspersed with hip openers like Floating Pigeon and Single Pigeon to give a holistic touch to every major joint in your body.