Java Programming: The Complete Java Guide to Become Java Ace | Udemy

Java Programming: The Complete Java Guide to Become Java Ace | Udemy
English | Size: 2.51 GB
Genre: eLearning

What you’ll learn
Become a professional Java Developer and get Hired
Have a fundamental/in-depth understanding of the Java programming language
Drastically improve your ability to debug problems in Java and become programming ace in your circle
Write a program like an expert programmer by learning Java programming best practices and tips (to write clean, performant, and bug-free code)
Learn to use Object Oriented Programming with in-depth understanding and write a programs in professional way
Avoid common pitfalls and mistakes that other Java programmers make
Build a complete understanding of Java from the ground up to face a coding interview confidently
Go from a total beginner to a confident Java programmer
Get the ability to solve complex problems in you project

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn

(It’s okay if you don’t understand all this yet, you will in the course)


Here you will get clear idea about what you are going to learn in this complete course and also you will know how the Java language works under the hood and difference between JRE, JDK and JVM and the complete history of the java language from its beginning to now. Also you will understand the code structure of Java program

Setting up Environment

Watching the videos will not give good knowledge to work with programming. You have to practice what you have learned. Here you will learn how to install JDK to work with java. We are in a world which will make everything simple. IDE’s are such things in technology. throughout this course, we will develop programs with help of IntelliJ Idea IDE. Here you will learn IntelliJ Idea IDE. And also here, you will get your hands dirty with the programs.

Classes and Objects – A Blueprint and its Actual

Here you will understand the core concepts of object-oriented programming i.e class and object. And also you will experience the class and object in the program. Also you will understand the life of objects and the complete idea about packages and imports. Also you will learn Java API’s and get a clear idea about what is access modifiers and how to use them

Know your Variables

Here you will get clear understand about the variables and you will learn how the default value will be assigned if you haven’t define anything to your variable and understand how variable assignments works, Type casting and Understand the scope of the variables, like how long the variable will live in your program. And get a clear idea about what is access modifiers for variables and how to use them and experience with operators, Wrapper classes, array data structures and stack and heap memory

Java Methods – How Objects Behave

Here you will get clear understand Java methods and method structure and get a clear idea about what is access modifiers for methods and how to use them

Flow Control – Decide How You Want to GO!

Understand how decisions are taken in the java program language and learn how to use IF statements. And learn how to use Switch statements in programs and how to do the things in the loop in the program and learn how to use loops in java.

Constructors in Java

Understand constructors and work with a variety of constructors and also understand the rule when you use constructors. Here you will get a clear idea about what is access modifiers for constructors and how to use them

Static Members in Java : Make use of same copy

Learn what is static members and how to use at the right situations. And avoid common mistakes/ unexpected behaviour when you use static member

Inheritance – One of the Pillor of Object Oriented Programming

Understand the more interesting and important concept of object oriented programming i.e Inheritance and also understand Is-A & Has-A Relationship along with this you will also learn what is interface and how to use them at the right place and understand abstract classes in java and get clear idea on when to use abstract classes and when to use interface

Encapsulation – Protect Your Class members

Learn how to protect your class member. And decide what should be shown to others and what should be hidden

Polymorphism – One into Multiple Form

Learn how to use a single implementation that works with multiple flavours. And Understand run-time polymorphism and compile-time polymorphism

Java Strings

Here you will learn the most useful component of java language i.e Strings and understand other way to handle strings , String Buffer and String Builder

Exception Handling – Risky Behaviour

Understand Exceptions in java and also learn how to handle failures in program. And Understand the hierarchy of exception, it will help you handle right exception at right place and learn about finally block and how to propagating uncaught Exceptions and throw and throws also learn Create your own custom Exceptions

Java Collections – Container for Java Objects

Here you will learn the collection framework in java which will help you to choose the right data structure for your need. Also understand the design behind List collection such as ArrayList, Vector and Linked List. Here you will learn how to sort the collection.

And also understand the design behind Set collection and you will learn how to Override equals() & hashCode() and understand how HashMap works and learn about hashing and understand the design behind the Queue collection

Java Thread

Understand about parallelism and learn about multithreading environment and learn how to use threads in program. And also understand states of thread

Java Serialization

Understand the concept of Serialization in java. You have to deal with object serialization when you write the program for networking

Along with this, You’ll learn how to apply best practices, refactor your code and produce high quality code like a professional developer. You’ll learn about design decisions along the way and why I chooses a certain approach. What I shares with you comes from 12 years of experience as a professional software developer.

Throughout the course, you will find quizzes to gauge your understanding of the material and build your confidence. The video lectures will walk you step by step through mastering key concepts, while each section will build upon the knowledge you gain from the previous section. Additional resources, including PDFs, completed program files and notes that will provide you will additional information.

As you go through the course, participate in the QA section to ask questions, share what you’ve learned and interact with your instructor and other students. And, at the end of the course, you’ll receive a Certificate of Completion that you can print and proudly share with friends, co-workers and the world.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Will I be able to learn Java and find a job after completing this course?

YES, This course covers all the topics in a very detailed way which you need to know to become a professional Java programmer. However, you will be able to learn Java programming and be job-ready heavily depends on you once you completed this course.

If you merely watch the videos, you will hardly learn anything without trying things on your computer. Instead, try the code on your computer, change the code, run it, improve it further, rerun it, fix the possible errors, try making a similar app, repeat, ask questions in the Q&A when you get stuck, and try to solve all the exercises in the course. That way, you will undoubtedly learn how to program with Java and find a job.

How much time will I need to complete the course?

That depends on how much effort you can put into learning the language. If you dedicatedly follow the course, you can complete the course in 1 week. And If you practice the programs in day to day life, You will be getting familiar with the java programming language in a very short period.

I don’t know anything about programming. Will I still be able to learn Java?

Absolutely YES. This course assumes you have no previous knowledge of programming. Whenever a programming term is mentioned in the class (e.g., a variable), that term is explained thoroughly, so you not only understand how to use that particular term in Java programming, you also understand what that term means in programming.

What IDE/editor is used in the course?

I use IntelliJ Idea in the course. However, you can use your favourite IDE. Eclipse, NetBeans, and even JDeveloper., will work correctly.

Do I need to have any prior knowledge to take this course?

A big NO. You don’t need any prior knowledge to take this course. I have designed this course which makes comfortable even for beginners. It’s starts from absolute beginner level initially and gradually moving to complex and advanced level topics. And also this course is filled up with full of practical and fun examples. You will learn the core skills step by step with hands-on experience. And If you already comfortable with coding and need to refresher your programming skill, this course will be a suitable for you, too. Every time you come back to this course you will learn something new or improve yourself.

Who this course is for:
Beginners who have never programmed before.
Programmers switching from other languages to Java
Those who know Java basics and want to level-up and master Java
Anyone who wants to learn to code

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