
James C. Christensen – The Art of Imagination – Changing the Rules of Reality mpg
English | Size: 988.5MB
Category: Art
James C. Christensen (September 26, 1942 – January 8, 2017) was an American illustrator and painter of religious and fantasy art.
Back Cover Synopsis: Welcome to a world that’s “just a little to the left of reality,” the brilliantly inventive world of James C. Christensen. With his beautifully elaborate fantasy art, Christensen sweeps us off to his delightful world of imagination. Here, fish float through the air and mystical beings inhabit lush gardens of an ancient castle. Meet this truly unique artist and share his magical visions. Learn about the rich symbolism that’s hidden in his work. Join the artist in the England of King Arthur and William Shakespeare, a land that inspires him with its pageantry and centuries of history. Then, let your imagination take over. James Christensen compels us to open our minds to art and enchantment, and to participate in his fantasies as he changes the rules of reality.
Before all the “reporting” critics start firing off alarm bells, please read the following…
Truths about this upload:
1. Yes, the video quality is absolute crap. This is because this was converted to digital from an original VHS tape from 1990, played on a VHS player that was equally as old. And yes, it is in 4:3 format.
2. No, this is not just a video about traditional painting, but even if it was, CG fantasy artists would still learn a lot. This video introduces the “philosophy” underlying James’ fantasy art and the imagination process.
3. This video is extremely rare, because it was released by the Greenwich Workshop as a promo to introduce Christensen for the first time. He would go on to become one of Greenwich workshop’s most successful fantasy artists, selling millions of prints.
James C. Christensen – THE ART OF IMAGINATION: Changing the Rules of Reality (Length: 31 minutes)