Full Stack Spring Boot & React | Amigocode
English | Size: 1.63 GB
Category: Tutorial
Spring Boot 2 allows you to take an idea / prototype and turn it into a real thing in a matter of hours. Many companies use Spring Boot because it is very easy to configure, learn, and write code without having to configure low-level platform code.
Netflix recently decided to switch its entire backend to Spring Boot 2. This shows that Spring Boot is needed if you want to become a software engineer in the Java / Kotlin world.
This course describes how to create a full-stack application from the very beginning, and touches on the very important import concepts used in real software development. Concepts such as:
Backend with Spring Boot 2
Fontend with React.js
Database Schema Management
Error processing
Packaging Deployment Applications
Deploying FullStack Applications with AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Dependency Injection
This course aims to teach you the process necessary to create your own applications and deploy to real users. The skills gained as a result of this can be applied immediately in your own projects, university projects and at your workplace.
1 Quick words before we start
2 Bootstrap Application with Spring Innitializr
3 Project Codebase Walkthrough
4 Starting the Server
5 Defining Model For Our App
6 Create Server Endpoint to Retrieve Students
7 Setting up React Web App
8 React App file structure
9 GET Request from Frontend to Backend
10 Adding React State
11 Antd UI Framework
12 Antd Table Component
13 Custom Container Component
14 Avatar Component
15 LoaderSpin Component
16 Servlet Context Path
17 Into to Docker
18 Docker and Postgres
19 Bash into Postgres Container PSQL
20 Create database with PSQL
21 Create HikariCP Datasource
22 Flyway and Migrations
23 Describing Tables With PSQL
24 Start and Stop Docker Containers
25 Service Layer
26 Data Access Layer
27 Jdbc Template Result Sets
28 Select Statements
29 Row Mappers
30 Refactor Row Mappers
31 Adding Students to Database
32 Adding Footer React
33 Antd Modals
34 Forms With Formik
35 Adding Form Text Fields
36 Form Validation
37 Styling Validation errors
38 On submit
39 POST Mapping
40 Client Side POST
41 Submitting Form to backend
42 Service For Adding New Students
43 Insert statements
44 Testing For Submission End to End
45 On Form Success Stateless Component
46 Error Handling
47 Handle Errors with Promisereject
48 Catching Error with Promise
49 Notifications
50 Adding Footer When No Students
51 Custom Exceptions Exception Handlers
52 Sending empty Object to server
53 Java Bean Validation
54 Exercise 1
55 Exercise 1 Solution Unit Tests
56 Exercise 2
57 Exercise 2 Solution
58 Flyway
59 How Migrations Work
60 Creating and Running Migrations
61 Exercise Set Not Null Constraints
62 Exercise Set Not Null Constraints Sol
63 Postgres Enums
64 Dropping Constraints Solution
65 PostgreSQL Casting
66 Joins and UUID
67 Insert Course Record
68 Insert into Link Tables
69 Join with 1 Table
70 Join with 2 Tables
71 Exercise
72 Defining model
73 Define Endpoint
74 Solution
75 Cloning Repo and Run Application
76 Local vs Test Build
77 Maven Front End Plugin
78 Understanding Maven Lifecycle
79 Serving Frontend as Static Content with Spring Boot
80 Create Builds with Maven Profiles
81 Running The jar File
82 Intro to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
83 Creating Database using AWS RDS
84 Spring Profiles
85 Setting RDS DB Connection
86 Modify Build to Select Demo Profile
87 Getting Started With Elastic Beanstalk
88 Maven Compiler Plugin
89 Deploy our Full Stack App
90 Testing Deployed Application
91 Deploy New Versions
92 Final words

