DevOps Training: A Comprehensive 5-day Intensive Program | Udemy

DevOps Training: A Comprehensive 5-day Intensive Program | Udemy
English | Size: 8.03 GB
Genre: eLearning

End-to-end DevOps training with tools, such as git, maven, Sonar, Nexus, Docker, Docker, K8s, and CI/CD, Ansible,Jenkins

What you’ll learn
In-depth knowledge of DevOps methodology
Implementing Software Version Control
Containerizing Code on production using Docker
Creating CI/CD Pipelines using Jenkins
Configuration Management using Ansible
Automating build and testing using Maven
Container Orchestration using Kubernetes
Git, Jenkins & Maven Integration
Continuous Integration using Jenkins

In this online DevOps course, you will learn the following aspects:

– Gain in-depth knowledge of the DevOps methodology.

– Implement software version control.

– Git, Jenkins & Maven Integration

– Apache Maven – Spring Boot Maven Project

– SonarQube – Code quality tool for better code

– Containerize code for production using Docker.

– Create CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins.

– Manage configurations using  Ansible.

– Automate build and testing using Selenium and Maven.

– Orchestrate containers using Kubernetes.

Every section of this course has a different set of quizzes, and there is also many project lab assignment that will help you demonstrate what you have learned.

Course Curriculum

Module 1: Overview of DevOps

Introduction to DevOps

Benefits of working in a DevOps environment

DevOps Lifecycle

DevOps Stages

DevOps Delivery Pipeline

Module 2: AWS – EC2 Service

Create an AWS Account

Create an EC2 Instance – Amazon Linux

Create a key pair – Public & Private Key

MobaXterm – Connect EC2 Instance

Putty – Connect EC2 Instance

Create an EC2 Instance – Ubuntu

Access Instance using User Name & Password (Without using Private key)

More about private & public key

Passwordless authentication from Linux to Ubuntu Server

Lab – Access the Amazon Linux Instance other than the default user

Lab – Access the Ubuntu Linux Instance other than the default user

Lab – Passwordless Authentication between Amazon Linux & Ubuntu and Vice versa

Module 3: Linux

Linux File Hierarchy Structure

Basic Linux Commands Practice

pwd, touch, vi, vim, nano, cp, mv, mkdir etc

Module 4: Manage User Account in Linux

Overview of User Administration

Lab – Managing User Account

Lab – User & Group Creation

Lab – Primary & Supplementary group

Lab – Usermod Command

Lab –  Shadow file

Module 5: Version Control with Git

Overview of Git & GitHub

Create a GitHub Account, repository, clone – Distributed Version Control System

Git configuration

Stages in Git

Git pull from Remote to Local

Git push from Local to Remote

Stages in Git – Add & Commit

Module 6: Working with Branches in Git

Introducing Branches

Lab – Create branches (master & Develop)

Create & push branch from Local to Remote

Feature branches

Pull Request – To merge one branch into another

Release branch

Hotfix Branch

Lab – Release & Hotfix Branch

Add Reviewer in Pull Request with Branch protection rules

PR – Comment, Approve & Request changes

Module 7: Conflict Resolutions in Git

Understanding conflicts in git merge

Create a merge conflict & resolve it

Use TortoiseGit S/W to resolve conflicts

Resolve conflicts from GitHub using web editor using PR with one reviewer

Module 8: Real Project examples – Scenario-based cases

Git clean command to remove file & directory

Undoing changes on existing files

Git Revert Command

Git Reset Command

Git fetch command

Git pull command

The difference git merge & git fetch

Module 9: GitHub Deep Drive – Cherry-pick, tags, rebase & merge in Git

What is Cherry-pick in git?

Lab on Cherry-pick with conflicts in merging

Git tags

Delete tags from local & remote

Git rebase command

The difference between git rebase & merge

Module 10: Apache Maven – Spring Boot Maven Project

Overview of Maven Tool

Maven Lifecycle: Default, Clean & Site

Repositories used in Maven

Lab – Build the Springboot package in AWS Environment

Lab: Location of Artifacts & built package dependencies

Lab: Exploring pom.xml file

Lab: Access the package application

Lab: Exploring dependencies of a built package

Lab: Build Lifecycle

Lab: Lab: Create a Web Application Project Using Maven

Module 11: SonarQube – Code quality tool for better code

About SonarQube tool & its features

SonarQube Installation

Check SonarQube logs & configuration

SonarQube Service & port

Access SonarQube via URL

Set up Maven to build the package

SonarScanner for Maven

Lab – Bad code detected by SonarQube

Lab – Code corrected and rechecked by SonarQube

Module 12: Maven Deploy to Nexus Repository

Configure Nexus Server

Configure Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager

Build Springboot Maven Project

Requirements for Nexus in the pom.xml file

Nexus login credentials

Upload the artifacts to the Nexus repository

Module 13: Jenkins – Automation Software DevOps Tool

About Jenkins tool

Installation of Jenkins

Overview of Jenkins Dashboard

Create First Job in Jenkins

Job – Default User & Workspace Location

Status, Weather & Build Stability of a Job

Search Panel in Jenkins Dashboard

Manage Jenkins – Configure System

Manage Plugins – Install a simple theme plugin

Module 14: Jenkins GitHub Integration

Clone the git project using Shell

Delete workspace before build starts

Use SCM to clone git repository

Module 15: Build Pipeline – Continuous Delivery vs Continuous deployment

Create Jenkins Pipeline Using Build Pipeline

Continuous Delivery vs Continuous deployment

Parallel Jobs in Jenkins Build Pipeline

Module 16: Project – Deploy the WAR file package to a Tomcat Server using Jenkins – CICD

Overview of project

Clone the code from Git Repository

Integrate Maven with Jenkins

Build the Package using Maven Tool

Install & Configure Tomcat Server

Configure a Pipeline using Build Pipeline

Deploy the Package file (.war) to Tomcat Server

Module 17: Jenkins Pipeline – Declarative Pipeline

Jenkins Pipeline – Declarative Pipeline

Create the first Pipeline as code – Create the first Jenkinsfile

Multiple stages in pipeline script

Run commands using pipeline script

Variable/Environment in pipeline script

Define stage-level variables using pipeline script

Build parameters in the pipeline script

Boolean & choice parameters in pipeline script

Input from the user in the pipeline script

Post actions in the pipeline script

Module 18: Configuration Management Using Ansible

Introducing Ansible

Overview of Ansible Architecture

Ansible Components

Guided Exercise: Installing Ansible

Managing Ansible Configuration Files

Guided Exercise: Managing Ansible Configuration Files

Running Ad Hoc Commands

Guided Exercise: Running Ad Hoc Commands

Lab: Deploying Ansible

Module 19: Implementing Playbooks

Implementing Playbooks

Writing YAML Files

Guided Exercise: Writing YAML Files

Implementing Modules

Guided Exercise: Implementing Modules

Implementing Ansible Playbooks

Guided Exercise: Implementing Ansible Playbooks

Lab: Implementing Playbooks

Module 20: Managing Variables and Inclusions in Ansible

Managing Variables

Guided Exercise: Managing Variables

Managing Facts

Guided Exercise: Managing Facts

Managing Inclusions

Guided Exercise: Managing Inclusions

Lab: Managing Variables and Inclusions

Module 21: Implementing Tasks Control in Ansible

Implementing Task Control

Constructing Flow Control

Guided Exercise: Constructing Flow Control

Implementing Handlers

Guided Exercise: Implementing Handlers

Implementing Tags

Guided Exercise: Implementing Tags

Handling Errors

Guided Exercise: Handling Errors

Lab: Implementing Task Control

Module 22: Containerization using Docker

Introduction about containers

Installation of Docker

Create a first container

Fetch container image from docker hub

Run a container in backgroup, interactive with tty terminal

Delete exited dockers using a single command

Get complete details of a running container

Check logs & stats of a running container

Port forwarding

exec, rename & restart the running container

Attach a container

Kill/stop, pause/unpause a container

Create, start, cp command

Export/Import Command in Docker

Create a image from running container

Pull a specific version image from Docker hub

Image history, inspect & remove image

Module 23: Dockerfile

Overview of Dockerfile, layered architecture

Create a centos 7 image using Dockerfile

Overview of LABEL, ENV & RUN Command

Overview of WORKDIR

Copy, add command with their differences

Create a user account with password using dockerfile

CMD Command

SSH to a container

Overview of EXPOSE Command

ENTRYPOINT in Dockerfile

Module 24: Real Time CI/CD DevOps Project | End To End CI/CD Pipeline Project

An Overview of the CI/CD Process

Configure Build Server and Install various tools like Java, Git, Maven, Docker

Checkout & Build the Project using Maven Tool

Install SonarQube on Ubuntu Instance

Add Sonar-maven-plugin

Start SonarQube Service

Check the Code Quality

Overview of Dockerfile to Create a Docker Image

Create a Repository in AWS ECR

Create a Role to Provide Access One AWS Service (CI Server) to another (AWS ECR)

Build the Docker Image using Dockerfile

Push the Docker Image to AWS ECR Repository

Create a CD Server – Continuous Deployment

Pull & Execute the Docker Image from ECR to CD Server

Recap the Entire CICD Process

Module 25: Real-Time CI/CD DevOps Project: End-to-End CI/CD Pipeline using Jenkins

Install a Jenkins Server (CI Server)

Configure Jenkins

Create a Jenkins pipeline to checkout and build the project

Install SonarQube Server using Docker container

Install plugins and add Sonar login credentials

Configure SonarQube on Jenkins Server

Pipeline for SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins

Pipeline for success or aborted due to quality gate failure

Configure a webhook

Pipeline that uses a Dockerfile to build a Docker image

Add Plugins – CloudBees AWS, ECR, Docker

Create an IAM User to have access to AWS ECR and add it to Jenkins Server

Pipeline to Push the Docker Image to AWS ECR

Configure SES to send an email notification

Integrate SES with Jenkins using pipeline

Pipeline-Receive an Email Notification after the success or failure of Jenkins Pipeline

Module 26: Orchestration using Kubernetes

What is Kubernetes

Why do we use Kubernetes?

Monolithic approach for developing applications.

Microservices Vs. Monolithic

Kubernetes Gateway API

Evolution of Containers, Dockers & VMs

Microservices running as containers

Kubernetes – Orchestration or container management tool

Features of Kubernetes

Set up a Kubernetes Cluster in an AWS Environment

Module 27: Kubernetes Concepts  – Cluster types, Minikube Server, YAML, Pod, Kubelet, Ports

Kubernetes  Cluster

Types of Cluster

All-in-one (Single Node Cluster)

Single-node, single-master, and multi-worker node clusters.

Single-Node etcd, multi-Master, and Multi-Worker Node Cluster.

About Minikube

Installation of Minikube Server

Create the first POD using manifest file written in YAML Language

Kubelet commands

Check logs of the container

Create multiple containers in a POD

Kubernetes Annotations

Variables in the YAML file

Defining Ports

Module 28: Labels & Selectors in Kubernetes

Labels and Selectors

Commands for managing labels & selectors

Declarative vs. Imperative Kubernetes commands

Two types Selectors

Equality Based

Set based

Practice Lab – Labels & Selectors

Practice Lab – Assign a label to the running POD

Practice Lab – Search the pod with equality & set-based

Node Selector

Lab – Create a pod on a specific node

Module 29: Scaling and Replication in Kubernetes

What is ReplicationController?

Features of RC

Practice Lab – Create Replicas of POD using RC

Practice Lab – Recreate the POD, if it crashes, fails, or terminated

Scale up & scale down the POD as the load increases

Practice Lab – Scale up & scale down the POD

What is ReplicaSet?

Difference between ReplicationController & ReplicaSet

Practice Lab – Create Replicas of POD using ReplicaSet

Practice Lab – Use set-based match expressions in RS

Module 30: Deployment & Rollback

Overview of Deployment and Rollback

Manifest for a POD with one container using the deployment object

Lab: Launch an application with two PODs using the deployment object

Lab: Using the deployment object, upgrade an application from version 1 to version 2

Lab: Roll back the application to the previous version

Lab: Roll back the application to any specific version

Module 31: Real-time project: Deploy an Appl to a Kubernetes cluster using Jenkins CI/CD

Real-time CI/CD DevOps project: Deploy an application to a Kubernetes cluster using Jenkins.

Who this course is for:

  • IT Professionals
  • Solutions Architect
  • System Admins
  • Software Testers
  • Application Developers


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