DC – Wonder Woman By Walt Simonson And Jerry Ordway 2019 Hybrid Comic eBook-BitBook
English | eBook | Size: 142.73 MB
Comics authors Walt Simonson and Jerry Ordway come together to tell one of the most powerful Wonder Woman stories ever in Wonder Woman by Walt Simonson & Jerry Ordway. Diana is on a journey back to Paradise Island in search of rest and relief with her mother, Hippolyta, and the other Amazons. When fellow Amazon Leda attempts to take herself and Diana back to the dimension in which Paradise Island now exists, their journey goes awry and they end up on the world of Chalandor, battling black-hued beings called Shadowmen.Just when they think they’re safe, a Chalandorian craft lands and its crew intends to bring both Amazons back to their arena to fight as gladiatrixes. There they meet a fellow captive, a barbarian called Ranagor. Diana and Ranagor end up in the arena facing the gnarth, a vicious beast, but will they make it out alive? Find out in Wonder Woman by Walt Simonson & Jerry Ordway, collecting stories from these two legendary creators. Collects Wonder Woman #189-194