English | Size: 12.08 GB
Genre: eLearning
Master React Native for iOS and Android Mobile App Development using JavaScript. Build a modern e-commerce mobile app!
What you’ll learn
Build enterprise level React Native apps and deploy to Apple App Store and Google Play Store
Learn to build reactive, performant, large scale applications like a senior mobile app developer
Learn to lead Mobile App projects by making good architecture decisions and helping others on your team
Build cross platform mobile apps for iOS and Android without using Swift, Objective C, Java and Kotlin
Learn the latest features in React Native including Hooks, Context API, AsyncStorage, and Animation
Master the latest ecosystem of a React Native Developer from scratch
Become the top 10% React Native Developer
Stripe Payments (Online Payments) integration in your mobile apps
Set up authentication and user accounts using Firebase and Firebase Functions
Routing with React Navigation
Using the latest ES6/ES7/ES8/ES9/ES10 JavaScript to write clean code
Using native phone capabilities like Camera and Vibration
Google Maps API and adding interactive maps to your projects
Styled-Components and native styling to make modern and beautiful apps
Just updated with all new React Native features for 2022! Join a live online community of over 600,000+ developers and a course taught by industry experts that have actually worked both in Silicon Valley and Toronto with React Native.
Using the latest version of React Native, this course is focused on efficiency. Never spend time on confusing, out of date, incomplete tutorials anymore, and instead, learn to build professional and modern Android and iPhone (iOS) apps! Graduates of Andrei’s courses are now working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Facebook, + other top tech companies.
We guarantee you this is the most comprehensive online resource on React Native. This project based course will introduce you to all of the modern toolchain of a React Native app developer in 2022. Along the way, we will build a massive restaurant application using React, React Hooks, Expo, React Navigation, Firebase, Styled-Components, Google Maps/Places API, React Animations, Stripe Payments, + more. This is going to be a full iOS and Android app!
The curriculum is going to be very hands on as we walk you from start to finish of releasing a professional React Native project all the way into production. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you React basics and then going into advanced topics so you can make good decisions on architecture and tools on any of your future React Native projects.
All code is going to be provided step by step and even if you don’t like to code along, you will get access to the the full master project code so anyone signed up to the course will have their own app to put on their portfolio right away.
The topics covered will be:
- React Basics
- React Native Fundamentals
- Debugging React Native
- React Navigation
- React Hooks
- Custom React Hooks
- Firebase API
- Google Maps API
- React Best Practices
- React Native Best Practices
- Persistance + Session Storage
- Android Development
- iOS Development
- Lottie Animations
- Eslint And Cleaning Up Code
- Asynchronous Javascript
- React Native AsyncStorage and Animation
- CSS in JS – Styled Components
- React Native Styling
- Installing Custom Fonts
- Device Permissions
- React Native App Layout
- Modular React Code
- Building On Expo
- Distributing App to App and Google Play Store
- Integrating Payments With Stripe API
- + more
Who this course is for:
- Students who are interested in going beyond a normal “beginner” tutorial
- Programmers who want to learn the most in demand skill of a mobile app developer
- Developers that want to be in the top 10% of React Native Developers
- Students who want to gain experience working on scalable large cross platform applications
- Bootcamp or online tutorial graduates that want to go beyond the basics
- Any mobile developer who wants to learn only one language to write both iOS and Android mobile apps
- Anyone looking to build their own mobile applications to put on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store
- Web developers who want to get into the mobile development industry
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