Command Line for Creatives
English | Size: 1.94 GB
Category: Tutorial
One of the most important tools to master in digital design today doesn’t use a graphical user interface. When we’re making complex and custom digital work, we’ll need to use a command line to use the tools we need.
In this beginner’s course, we’ll discover how to use the command line which will let us use design and development tools such as Sass, PostCSS, Gulp, Jekyll and Webpack.
We’ll dive into adding version control and collaboration to our projects with Git and GitHub, plus get websites online using services like GitHub Pages, Netlify and Siteleaf.
What you’ll learn
How to use and alter the latest development tools like Hyper and VS Code
Learn how to get the most out of your command line terminal
How to fix (and avoid) the main problems coders get into with Git and GitHub
How to use cutting edge tools like Sass, PostCSS and Webpack in your own projects
Automate your workflow using NPM packages, BrowserSync + Gulp
Get websites online with GitHub Pages, Netlify and Siteleaf