Cody Bramlett – Supplement Millionaire Blueprint

Cody Bramlett – Supplement Millionaire Blueprint
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Category: Tutorial

In this first module we’ll go over everything you need to set up your business for success, using the exact systems and softwares I use every single day.

In fact, if you start without these in place chances are you’ll run into some trouble like I did, and lose out on hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Bottom line? Following this module could save YOU $250,000 before you even launch.

Give me just 15 minutes and you’ll know more than every accountant with a CPA degree when it comes to finances.

And if you’ve already started selling, I’ll show you how to implement these into your existing systems as well.

I’ll also show you…

How to instantly write off an additional 50k/year with one simple accounting tweak. Yes this is 100% legal. Seriously just give this to your accountant and within 24 hours, you’ll be to banish uncle sam from your hard-earned profits.

Corporation or LLC? Which is right for you, depends on your situation. But choosing poorly costs you tens of thousands of dollars down the line. And every mainstream source has it wrong.

You should set up your business where you work from, right? WRONG! There are only 2 states you should set up your supplement business, regardless of where you live or work (And no, it’s not Texas or Puerto Rico)

WARNING! Avoid these legal disclaimer and privacy policy mistakes like the plague. Ignoring this single warning could leave you broke and potentially sued.

Ninja travel tricks so you can write 5x as much off. (Seriously-simple, do these TWO things and within 5 minutes, travelling could actually make you money.)

How to get high quality, low cost supplements WITHOUT paying for any inventory, manufacturing, or warehousing upfront. Yes, this works for both “whitelabel” and custom formulas.

What NEVER to write off unless you want to get audited. (and the 7 special categories you can write off as a supplement business owner. Pay close attention to #3 – something most folks always overlook)

PLUS: My super secret “PTL” investment that can instantly TRIPLE your tax credit right off. And how to get a $25,000 instant write off on your car. Completely legal and easy to implement.

This stuff may sound boring but trust me, it’s the difference between you being 50k in the hole or having 500k in your bank.

Imagine! Just take one afternoon to go through this module and you’ll have strategies that will make you more money for the rest of your life.

And the best part? Almost everything in this module is plug and play.

Simply go through videos or transcripts and use the templates. Or give them to your existing CPA for a truly hands off experience.

Now that you have all the pieces in place to run your supplement company and maximize your margins, the next step is selling it, right?

Well that’s exactly what we’ll cover in module 2

(and where the real fun begins)pointer
Sell – The Secret Sauce To My $41M Empire And Most Importantly:
Plug And Play Templates So You Can Build Your Own Empire
In this section, you’ll learn how to become the online entrepreneur you always knew you were meant to be: a calm, cool-headed, systematic money making machine.

Go through these 4 short videos, and take your supplement business from zero to a million at light speed using world class internet marketing tools I’ve personally split tested on my journey to $41 million online.

Here’s a sample of the money making secrets you’ll discover:

The 6 step formula to writing killer sales pages that convert. And why you should almost NEVER write your own sales pages.

Hiring copywriters 101. We both know the best copywriters charge tens of thousands of dollars for their work. Here’s how you can hire copywriters with multi million dollar track records and only pay them AFTER they start making you money.

The single most important part of your VSL that can make or break your conversions (Hint: it has NOTHING to do with the copy or design of the page).

Warning: Are you using images on your website? Make sure to NEVER get them from these sources (ignoring this can leave you open to a lawsuit). Plus exactly where to put images on the page to maximize conversions (and where to avoid them at all costs).

The definitive guide on where to place images, how big to make them, and what your captions should say almost word for word. (Do this wrong and I guarantee you that you’ll be shooting yourself in the foot before you even start.

How to design your upsell pages for maximum conversions. I’ll give you the exact templates to copy and paste (religiously tested with over 41M dollars) so you can start printing money almost immediately.

Why you should NEVER try and build your own CRM. And the #1 CRM I use to scale my business to multiple 8 figures, that you should be too.

Combined with the lessons you already put into action from module one, when you finish this section, you’ll be in possession of a powerful one-two punch of time-honored supplement business knowledge.

And regardless if you’re a complete newbie or an experienced veteran with millions of sales under your belt…

Once you go through these first 2 modules, I guarantee you’ll be on track to make more money with your supplement business than ever before.

Which brings us to module 3…

Systematize – My foolproof plan to building a high performing virtual team that runs the business for you
One of the biggest pitfalls of most online entrepreneurs is that because they can work whenever they want, they end up working all the time.

In this module, you’ll learn proven strategies to build a real business that prints money whether you’re working or not.

Which means, you can finally wake up after a week of vacationing with friends or family, to more money in your bank account, more sales, and a thriving, growing business.

Here’s a few of the sizzling secrets you’ll learn…

The single most important full time hire you should make as soon as you start selling (Hint: it’s not a VA or affiliate manager). Ignore this and you could go bankrupt within a month.

Hate customer service, and don’t want to hire a stranger? Here’s the #1 company to use for customer service that will dramatically lower your refund rates and keep more cash in your bank. FACT: after hiring these guys, our refunds were slashed by 5% within a week.

In-house teams are the best way to manage employees right? WRONG! They’re the worst option if you want to maximize the profitability of your business.

When you should hire a VA and how to train them (PLUS: the #1 resource for hiring top notch VAs that speak english, are fluent in tech work and cost pennies on the dollar)

Warning: Only hire an affiliate manager after these steps.

The #1 software you need to install as soon as you start generating sales to protect against fraud, scammers, and thieves.

Credit card processing for supplement businesses: Who to use and why you should NEVER use Stripe or paypal, even though their fees are dramatically lower. PLUS: The fastest way to get multiple MIDs and credit card processing.

Where to get insurance, how much to get, and when to get it to protect you from getting sued.

By this point, you’ll have accomplished more than most people do in a lifetime…

And built a real machine that runs with or without you so you can have more time to do whatever it is you want, while still making as much money as you please.

But you’re here because you want to build an empire. An 8-figure empire.

Which is exactly what you’ll learn in module 4…

Scale – Step By Step How I Scaled My Empire Beyond 41M And How You Can Do The Same…
This is where the rubber meets the road.

Inside this module, I’ll show you step by step how to scale to 8-figures in mere months. Combined with the tools you learned in the first 3 modules, this will feel almost too easy.

You’ll work just a few hours per day while the business does the rest of the heavy lifting.

You’ll also learn…

Money printing machines. The fastest way to set up TWO systems that generate a flood of new customers and turn them into your own personal ATM machines that eagerly give you money whenever you need it.

How often should you send emails and when should you be selling? I’ll give you the perfect ratio to maximize sales and minimize list burn and churn.

Affiliates 101: How and where to find the right affiliates to promote your products even if you’re a complete newbie and know nobody. PLUS: how to pay them properly so they promote you again and again.

Why not every affiliate should get the same CPA and step by step how to determine the CPA you should be paying your affiliates to maximize revenue and business growth.

How to get the email of every single person that lands on your page, even if they don’t buy your product (and how to remarket them to acquire new customers for almost free.) PLUS: the right legal conditions you need to have on the page.

Networking is the most important thing for growing your business, right? WRONG! Focus on this one needle-mover instead, and you’ll have your own multi million dollar cash cow in record time.

The 7 step autoresponder series you need to implement for new customers to start flooding your bank account, building trust, and maximizing the lifetime value of your customers. PLUS when to move them into your main broadcast (screw this up, and you’ll destroy your list and profits).

The minimum open rate you need to keep your ISP healthy. Plus how often to delete subscribers that haven’t opened your emails.

Simple strategies to craft wildly-profitable emails that your affiliates can use to promote you for years to come. Plus the best length for emails if you want to print money. And why you should NEVER send to unopens.

In this module, you’ll also learn the stupid simple way to add 30% more money to your bank account every time you email your customer. It’s completely legal and takes less than a day to set up…

PLUS… 3 simple tweaks you can use to sell the exact same offer for years on end (and the magic number when you should look to pivot)… A complete list of the best masterminds, facebook groups, and virtual programs to join to find affiliates and networks. And which ones to avoid at all costs.

Setup: How To Save An Extra $250,000 Before You Launch

Buy Long-term Premium Accounts To Support Me & Max Speed



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