GCP GKE Terraform on Google Kubernetes Engine DevOps SRE IaC | Udemy

GCP GKE Terraform on Google Kubernetes Engine DevOps SRE IaC | Udemy
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[NEW-SEPTEMBER 2024] Master Terraform on GCP GKE: 40 Real-World Demos to become a DevOps SRE and IaC Expert

What you’ll learn
You will learn Terraform basics with first 8 practical demos
You will learn to automate GKE standard public cluster with terraform
You will learn to automate GKE standard private clsuter with cluster autoscaler
You will learn to automate GKE standard private cluster with private endpoint
You will learn to automate GKE autopilot private clsuter with terraform
You will learn to implemnent autoscaling features like cluster autoscaler, horiztontal and vertical pod autoscaling
You will learn to automate GKE Storage: GCP Compute Engine Persistent Disk CSI Driver
You will learn to automate GKE Storage: GCP Cloud Storage FUSE CSI Driver
You will learn to automate GKE Storage: GCP Filestore CSI Driver
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Static IP with GCP External IP Address
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Self-signed SSL certs with Kubernetes Secrets
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Self-signed SSL certs with GCP Certificate Manager
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: HTTP to HTTPS Redirect
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Context Path-based Routing
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Domain name based Routing
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Traffic Splitting
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Health checks and Session Affinity
You will learn to master services like GCP Cloud Domains and Cloud DNS
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Production grade SSL with Cloud DNS and Cloud Domains
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Production grade SSL with Cloud DNS and AWS Route53
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: GCP Global Application Load Balancer
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: GCP Regional Application Load Balancer
You will learn to use pre-built Terraform modules from Terraform Registry
You will build GKE Cluster custom terraform module
You will implement GKE Infra devops where we can create multiple GKE environments dev, production using Cloud Build Triggers (Pipelines)
You will build Kubernetes Deployment custom terraform module
You will implement continuous integration for a sample application using GitHub, Cloud Build and GCP Artifact Registry
You will implement GKE Workload devops where we can deploy our dev applications to Dev GKE cluster and prod applications to prod GKE cluster using GitHub and Cl

Course Modules

Demo-01: Install CLI Tools: gcloud CLI, Terraform CLI, VSCode Editor

Demo-02: Terraform Commands (init, validate, plan, apply and destroy)

Demo-03: Terraform Language Basics

Demo-04: Teraform Meta-Argument – Provider (Multiple Providers Demo)

Demo-05: Terraform Input Variables and Output Values

Demo-06: Terraform Meta-argument: count

Demo-07: Terraform Datasources

Demo-08: Terraform Meta-argument: for_each

Demo-09: GKE Public Standard Cluster

Demo-10: Kubernetes Resources using YAML Manifests

Demo-11: Kubernetes Resources using Terraform Manifests

Demo-12: GKE Private Standard cluster with Cluster Autoscaler

Demo-13: GKE Horizontal Pod Autoscaling

Demo-14: GKE Vertical Pod Autoscaling

Demo-15: GKE Private Standard Cluster with Private Endpoint

Demo-16: GKE Private Autopilot cluster

Demo-17: GKE Storage: Compute Engine Persistent Disk CSI Driver

Demo-18: GKE Storage: Cloud SQL MySQL Database

Demo-19: GKE Storage: Cloud Storage with FUSE CSI Driver

Demo-20: GKE Storage: Filestore CSI Driver

Demo-21: GKE Gateway API (GCP Regional Application Load Balancer)

Demo-21-01: GKE Gateway API Basics (Gateway and HTTPRoute)

Demo-21-02: GKE Gateway API Static IP (GCP External IP Address)

Demo-21-03: GKE Gateway API self-signed SSL (Kubernetes Secrets)

Demo-21-04: GKE Gateway API self-signed SSL (GCP Certificate Manager)

Demo-21-05: GKE Gateway API HTTP to HTTPS Redirect

Demo-21-06: GKE Gateway API Context path-based Routing

Demo-21-07: GKE Gateway API Domain name Routing

Demo-21-08: GKE Gateway API Traffic Splitting

Demo-21-09: GKE Gateway API Health check and Session Affinity (GKE custom policies)

Demo-21-10: Cloud Domains and Cloud DNS

Demo-21-11: GKE Gateway API Production grade SSL (GCP Certificate Manager + Cloud DNS + Cloud Domains)

Demo-21-12: GKE Gateway API Production grade SSL (GCP Certificate Manager + Cloud DNS + AWS Route53)

Demo-21-13: GKE Gateway API Global LB (GCP Global Application Load Balancer)

Demo-22: Use Pre-built Terraform Modules from Terraform Registry

Demo-23: GKE Infra: Create custom GKE Terraform Module

Demo-24: GKE Infra DevOps using GitHub and GCP Cloud Build

Demo-25: GKE Workloads: Create custom Kubernetes Deployment Terraform Module

Demo-26: GKE Workload DevOps using GitHub and GCP Cloud Build

Demo-27: GKE App: Implement Continuous Integration with GitHub, Cloud Build and GCP Artifact Registry

Demo-28: GKE App: Implement Continuous Delivery using GitHub and Cloud Build

GCP Services

Google Kubernetes Engine

Google Compute Engine VM Instances

Google Compute Engine Health Checks

Google Compute Engine Persistent Disks

Google Cloud VPC

Google Cloud Firewalls

Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Monitoring

Google Cloud Logging

Google Cloud Load Balancing

Google Cloud IAM

Google Cloud Domains

Google Cloud DNS

Google Cloud NAT

Google Cloud Router

Google Cloud External IP

Google Cloud Build

Google Cloud Certificate Manager

Google VPC Private Service Connection

GCP Secrets Manager

GCP Cloud Storage Buckets

Kubernetes Concepts

Google Kubernetes Engine – Standard Public Cluster

Google Kubernetes Engine – Standard Private Cluster

Google Kubernetes Engine – Autopilot Cluster

Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler

Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling

Kubernetes Vertical Pod Autoscaling

Kubernetes Deployments

Kubernetes Load Balancer Service

Kubernetes Storage – Storage Classes

Kubernetes Storage – Persistent Volumes

Kubernetes Storage – Persistent Volume Claims

Kubernetes Secrets

Kubernetes Gateway API (Load Balancers – 13 Important Demos)

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Who this course is for:
This course is designed for students who are planning to automate Google Kubernetes Engine Infrastructure using Terraform
Students who planning to learn Terraform on Google Cloud Platform and Google Kubernetes Engine
Students who are planning to master DevOps, SRE (Site Reliability Engineerig) and IaC (Infrastructure as Code) concepts using Terraform, Google Cloud and Google Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Build and GitHub







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