TTC – How to Raise Lifelong Learners – Donna Baer

TTC – How to Raise Lifelong Learners – Donna Baer
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Category: Tutorial

We all want our kids to love to learn. But learning is a fluid, ever-changing, and very subjective process. Effective learning methods change from person to person, and then again as individuals grow. Even beyond those challenges, there are neurological or developmental obstacles that can hinder the learning process and frustrate children into giving up. Not to mention getting your child to embrace learning means competing with television, movies, phones, and social media.

So how can you overcome these many obstacles to create a culture of curiosity for your children? How can you ensure that your children have the tools to ask important questions, solve complex problems, and think for themselves? And how can you preserve your child’s love of learning so that it persists into adulthood?

Look no further than How to Raise Lifelong Learners. In just nine comprehensive lessons, discover how you can become a better, more inspiring teacher for your kids. Kick off the course by discovering a range of educational philosophies and schooling methods. Compare them all-homeschool to traditional school to the classical method to “unschooling”-to see which option best fits your situation and goals. Along the way, you will acquire the knowledge, tools, and guidance you need to raise intellectually curious and engaged lifelong learners, regardless of whether you intend to teach at home or send them to school. You will also gain insight into how you can teach the three major learning tools effectively, encourage scientific exploration and artistic development, communicate with teens, approach and motivate struggling students, design your home to accommodate the needs and desires of your growing learners, and much more.

Your course instructor, Donna Baer, is a former elite boarding schoolteacher-turned- homeschooler who raised eight sons and two daughters. She knows better than anybody: Adaptability is the name of the game. In How to Raise Lifelong Learners, learn how to accommodate your kids and their unique styles of learning, personalities, and temperaments, from a mother of 10 who did it herself. Among many other strategies, you will learn how to:

Engage with late bloomers and stimulate underachievers,
Develop lectures for auditory learners,
Create experiments for sensory learners, and
Compose songs for auditory learners.

Along the way, you will discover how a comprehensive, flexible approach to teaching encourages you to learn in new and exciting ways right alongside your students.

Setting the Stage: Learning in the Early Years

The first half of How to Raise Lifelong Learners is dedicated to learning in the early years. Yet, before babies and toddlers feel confident enough to explore the new and unfamiliar world around them-before they can learn anything at all-they must have a secure and enlightening home base. In this course, discover how you can create a safe and intellectually stimulating environment from your living room to your backyard. Learn how consistent sleep schedules, balanced diets, regular routines, imaginative play, and clear communication can set the tone for a lifetime of learning.

Next, focus on the basics: reading, writing, and arithmetic. Because kids learn to read, write, and compute early in life, their parents play an outsized role in acquiring this crucial foundation. Without these fundamental learning tools, a child cannot cannot work through problems and explore ideas on their own. With Donna’s guidance, investigate how you can teach your young child these fundamental skills in a number of interesting and engaging ways. From narration to emulation, discover how you can be an effective educator for your budding knowledge seeker. You will be able to build a strong intellectual foundation with books, exercises, games, and other proven methods to preserve and even bolster your child’s love of learning.

Reimagining Learning and the Learning Environment

When it comes to learning beyond early childhood, what do you see? Long lectures, dusty chalkboard walls, and multiplication drills? But learning does not always take place in a dedicated schoolroom and tests, lectures, and labs do not work for everyone. Successful study can happen in different ways and at different paces. It continues in the home, after school, and on the weekends. Actively involved parents and exciting home environments outside of school are key to preserving a child’s desire to learn.

How can you create a culture of curiosity and learning in your household? Expand your definition of “learning” and “learning environment” to include:

A Breadth of Learning Styles: Is your child an auditory learner or a visual learner? Do they pick up more knowledge in group settings or on their own? You will explore the different styles of learning and gain insight into how you can create dynamic lessons and activities for every category of learner.
Non-Academic Learning: Most of the concepts that kids pick up during childhood are learned outside of the classroom. Delve into how you can encourage your children to do the most with their “non-academic” learning time. Explore strategies that will strengthen your child’s art and music skills, work ethic, and emotional intelligence beyond the school desk.
Learners from All Age Groups: While small children and teens learn differently, encouraging both groups to be attentive and curious learners are equally difficult tasks. Donna will show you how to approach and engage learners of all ages.
Struggling Learners: It’s just a fact: Children struggle in school sometimes. Donna is certainly no stranger to working with an underachieving personality or a dull textbook. With her guidance, you will better understand how you can address a range of educational challenges head-on without making learners feel unworthy or inadequate.

And even you, the parent and teacher, have something to gain from fostering a culture of curiosity in your household. By raising and loving lifelong learners, you will get a chance to explore topics and questions you have never considered before. You will realize in great detail how learning alongside your children can foster wonder and engagement in you, too.

Let How to Raise Lifelong Learners expand your horizons so that you can teach and, by extension, parent more effectively. You will be prepared for the different personalities, age groups, challenges, and styles you may face while avoiding stifling a child’s love of learning-an ever-important desire that will lead to personal and professional success in adulthood. Become an active participant in your child’s life-in their interests, goals, ideas, and unique thought processes-by becoming an active participant in their education.


01. Exploring Education Options at Any Age
02. Prereading Sets the Tone for Learning
03. Reading Lets Children Teach Themselves
04. Open More Doors with Writing and Math
05. Fostering a Culture of Curiosity
06. Learning That Builds Character
07. What Helps Struggling Learners
08. When Teens Love to Learn
09. Growing a Family That Learns Together

Donna Baer, Author and Educator

“You can entice kids to embrace their natural curiosity, solve their own problems, and revel in a life of discovery”

Donna Baer is an author and educator. She homeschooled her 10 children in every traditional subject, including AP classes, from prekindergarten through 12th grade-often using Great Courses. She also taught biology, geometry, and Spanish at Oldfields School in Maryland. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Biology from Brown University.
Donna is the author of Strong Happy Family: Unexpected Advice from an Ivy League Mom of Ten and The Bible’s Feasts: The Secrets behind the World’s Oldest Holidays.
She also created the Classical Sunday School series, a comprehensive K-6 religion curriculum that employs the classical method of education.
A frequent speaker at education conventions, Donna has recorded a Teachable course on how to homeschool children from kindergarten through third grade. She also writes a blog that chronicles her passion for creating lifelong learners. All of her books and resources can be found at

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