Become a ninja with Vue 3 Pro Pack

Become a ninja with Vue 3 Pro Pack
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Genre: eLearning

The Pro Pack​
Switch to second gear by building a real project, step by step!
Our ebook lets you learn all the features of the framework. But for Vue.js, we decided to go further to share our expertise, by selling a Pro Pack. The Pro Pack makes you create an application skeleton, craft your first components, routes and forms. And above all it teaches you how to write tests, how to handle secured HTTP calls when your user is authenticated, how to design a reactive application, how to integrate with CSS frameworks like Twitter Bootstrap, third party libraries like Moment.js, already available components, and how to design your own (like a chart for example). If you want to completely master the framework, and be able to throw yourself with confidence in any projects, the Pro Pack is for you.
The Pro Pack contains a set of exercises, allowing you to build the PonyRacer app from scratch, confronting yourself to all these common problems in modern JavaScript applications. For each step, you receive a set of instructions corresponding to one of the ebook chapter, and a set of unit and end-to-end tests to validate your code. A NodeJS module we wrote is here to help you analyze your code and compute your score. Your turn to solve the challenge with the help of our tips! When you’re done, or if you’re stuck, you can check the solution we made. Our platform allows you to follow your progress, and inform you when we update the exercises. You can then switch to this new version (for free), and start again where you stopped. It’s a great way to see how the best practices evolve!



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