Udemy – Kubernetes and Docker: The Complete Hands-On Guide

Udemy – Kubernetes Docker The Complete Handson Guide By Shikhar Verma
English | Tutorial | Size: 2.8GB

Open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications
Section 1: Kubernetes Introduction

What is Kubernetes

Why do we use Kubernetes?

Monolithic approach for developing applications.

Microservices Vs. Monolithic

Kubernetes Gateway API

Evolution of Containers, Dockers & VMs

Microservices running as containers

Kubernetes – Orchestration or container management tool

Features of Kubernetes

Section2: Architecture of the Kubernetes Cluster

The architecture of the Kubernetes Cluster

Understand architecture with various examples

Working with Kubernetes

Roles of Master Node

Components of Control Plane (Master Node)

API Server



Controller Manager


Service Proxy


Container Engine – Docker, Containerd, or Rocket

Section 3: Setup of Kubernetes Cluster AWS Environment

Setup Kubernetes Master and Worker Node on AWS Environment

Update the System

Install HTTP package

Docker Installation

Setup open GPG Key

Install the Kubernetes packages

Bootstrapping the master node

Configure Worker Nodes

Section 4: Kubernetes Concepts – Cluster types, Minikube Server, YAML, Pod, Kubelet, Ports

Kubernetes Cluster

Types of Cluster

All-in-one (Single Node Cluster)

Single-node, single-master, and multi-worker node clusters.

Single-Node etcd, multi-Master, and Multi-Worker Node Cluster.

About Minikube

Installation of Minikube Server

Create the first POD using manifest file written in YAML Language

Kubelet commands

Check logs of the container

Create multiple containers in a POD

Kubernetes Annotations

Variables in the YAML file

Defining Ports

Section 5: Labels & Selectors

Labels & Selectors

Commands for managing labels & selectors

Declarative vs. Imperative Kubernetes commands

Two types Selectors

Equality Based

Set based

Practice Lab – Labels & Selectors

Practice Lab – Assign a label to the running POD

Practice Lab – Search the pod with equality & set-based

Node Selector

Lab – Create a pod on a specific node

Section 6: Scaling & Replication

What is ReplicationController?

Features of RC

Practice Lab – Create Replicas of POD using RC

Practice Lab – Recreate the POD, if it crashes, fails, or terminated

Scale up & scale down the POD as the load increases

Practice Lab – Scale up & scale down the POD

What is ReplicaSet?

Difference between ReplicationController & ReplicaSet

Practice Lab – Create Replicas of POD using ReplicaSet

Practice Lab – Use set-based match expressions in RS

Section 7: Deployment & Rollback

Overview of Deployment and Rollback

Manifest for a POD with one container using the deployment object.

Lab: Launch an application with two PODs using the deployment object.

Lab: Using the deployment object, upgrade an application from version 1 to version 2.

Lab: Roll back the application to the previous version.

Lab: Roll back the application to any specific version.

Section 8: Kubernetes Networking

Overview of Kubernetes Networking

Container communication via localhost

Practice Lab – container-to-container communication on specific port within a pod

Pod-to-pod communication

Practice Lab – Pod-to-pod communication

Object – Service

Why service is required?

Service type

Cluster IP




Practice Lab – Access the appl/service using cluster IP within the cluster using the service object

Practice Lab – Access the appl/service using NodePort outside the cluster using the service object

Section 9: Volumes in Kubernetes Cluster

Overview of Volumes in Kubernetes Cluster.

Volume types



Practice Lab: Create a POD with attached volume using volumes.

Practice Lab – Attach a shareable volume for containers within a POD.

Practice Lab – Attach a shareable volume for containers within a POD as well as with the host or worker node.

Practice Lab – EmptyDir

Practice Lab – hostpath

Section 10: Persistent Volumes

Overview of Persistent volumes

PersistentVolumeClaim – PVC

Configure a Volume using AWS ElasticBlockStore

Configure a Pod to Use a PersistentVolume for Storage

Practice Lab – Create a PersistentVolume

Practice Lab – Create a PersistentVolumeClaim

Practice Lab – Create a Pod to Use a PersistentVolume for Storage

Section 11: Namespaces in Kubernetes

Overview of Namespaces

Lab – Create new namespaces

Lab – Create Pod and Service in Namespaces

Lab – Switch between Kubernetes namespaces

Lab – Create pods in the namespace.

Lab – delete a Kubernetes namespace

Section 12: Resource Management for Pods and Containers

Overview of resource management for pods, containers

Lab resource-based quota

Lab – Apply pod quotas to namespaces

Requests and Limits

Lab – Set requests and limits in each container running in a pod.

Lab – Apply quotas to namespaces

Lab – Create pods with resources in namespaces

Section 13: Kubernetes HPA – Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

Kubernetes autoscaling basics

Lab: Configuring Minikube Cluster

Lab: Installation of Metric Server

Lab: Creating pods using deployment objects

Lab: Configure HPA – Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

Lab: A new pod is created automatically if the CPU load reaches a threshold value

Lab: A new pod is automatically terminated if the CPU load falls below the threshold value

Section 13: Introduction to docker containers

Introduction about containers

Installation of Docker

Create a first container

Fetch container image from docker hub

Run a container in the background, interactive with tty terminal

Delete exited dockers using a single command

Get complete details of a running container

Check logs & stats of a running container

Port forwarding

exec, rename & restart the running container

Attach a container

Kill/stop, pause/unpause a container

Create, start, the cp command

Export/Import Command in Docker

Create an image from a running container

Pull a specific version image from the Docker hub

Image history, inspect & remove the image

Section 14: Dockerfile

Overview of Dockerfile, layered architecture

Create centos 7 images using Dockerfile

Overview of LABEL, ENV & RUN Command

Overview of WORKDIR

Copy, and add commands with their differences

Create a user account with a password using dockerfile

CMD Command

SSH to a container

Overview of EXPOSE Command

ENTRYPOINT in Dockerfile

Section 15: Manage Data in Docker

Overview of managing data in Docker


Create & attach a volume to a container

Delete volumes from the Docker host machine

Bind mounts

Section 16: Networking in Docker

Bridge networking

Run containers in custom-created bridge networking

Enable communication between dockers belonging to different bridge network

DNS enabled with custom bridge networking

Host networking

None networking

Connect one or more networks to a running container

Create a private docker registry

How to allow images in the private registry for non-secure network

Section 17: Docker Compose

Overview of docker-compose

Docker compose Installation

Create my first docker-compose file

Create the docker-compose file in JSON language

Learn basic commands

docker-compose up

docker-compose down

docker-compose create

docker-compose start

docker-compose stop

docker-compose rm

docker-compose images

docker-compose ps

docker-compose pause

docker-compose unpause

docker-compose kill

docker-compose port port

docker-compose logs

docker-compose exec

docker-compose run

docker-compose scale

docker-compose top

Attach a volume & port mapping using docker-compose

Build a custom image using docker-compose

Last lecture

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