FrontEnd Masters – A Tour of JavaScript & React Patterns

FrontEnd Masters – A Tour of JavaScript & React Patterns
English | Tutorial | Size: 720.39 MB

Learn a suite of design patterns to improve the code architecture of your web apps! You’ll get an overview of more traditional design patterns with JavaScript, such as the Singleton and Proxy patterns. Then see React patterns such as the Hooks and Higher Order Component patterns. Lastly, we’ll cover Performance patterns and Rendering Patterns. Lydia introduces the core web vitals which include the time to first byte, first contentful paint, largest contentful paint, time to interactive, cumulative layout shift, and first input delay. Lydia explains that static rendering might lead to long build times if pages need to be pre-rendered. Incremental static generation allows developers to only pre-render a subset of pages.

If the user requests a page that hasn’t been pre-rendered, the page get server-rendered and then cached by the CDN. Server-side rendering and streaming server-side rendering are also discussed in this segment. Lydia explains the difference between static and dynamic imports. Static imports are immediately available in the application bundle and are easy to optimize and tree shake. Dynamic imports provide a faster initial load but can lead to layout shifts or a decreased user experience if they are not loaded by the time they are needed. The React useInView hook and route-based splitting are also demonstrated in this segment.

What you’ll learn
Module Pattern
Singleton Pattern
Proxy Pattern
Observer Pattern
Factory Pattern
Container/Presentation Pattern
Who this course is for
anyone willing to level up his javascirpt skills
professionals who wants to broaden thier knowledge on javascript design patters

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