Typescript & React JS Course with React & Typescript Project | Udemy

Typescript & React JS Course with React & Typescript Project | Udemy
English | Size: 7.20 GB
Genre: eLearning

What you’ll learn
TypeScript is a programming language that helps developers turn medium-sized JavaScript projects and prototypes into large-scale ones.
TypeScript is a syntactical superset of JavaScript, any JavaScript program is also a valid TypeScript program.
Microsoft introduced TypeScript to solve this scalability problem. TypeScript is often referred to as JavaScript with type .
TypeScript is better suited than JavaScript for large applications, but it requires a foundational knowledge of JavaScript to use.
TypeScript is mainly associated with development careers. Typical job titles for TypeScript developers include senior developer, front end developer.
Typescript is a superset of JavaScript. As its name suggests, TypeScript adds optional static typing to the JavaScript language.
JavaScript is a text-based computer programming language used to make dynamic web pages.
Developers use TypeScript when they need to scale up their JavaScript development.
TypeScript is mainly associated with development careers. Typical job titles for TypeScript developers include senior developer, front end developer.
Developers with an understanding of TypeScript (which implies skill in JavaScript) might work in a wide range of fields building applications for both server-si
Learn how to define variables using data types in type script
Learn what TypeScript (typescript react react typescript Type script typescript node nodejs typescript angular typescript )for is and why we should use it
Use the different types of variable prefixes like let and const in typescript.
Understand what TypeScript (typescript angular typescript react three js jest threejs) really it is about and how works
React, or React JS, is a front-end Javascript library for building UI components for the web. If you are interested in web development, React is the perfect lib
React is worth learning. There are a couple of reasons. The first one is that React is in high demand in the software development job market
React encourages engineers to write code using a Functional Programming approach. Engineers create components, which are normal Javascript functions
React is an open-source JavaScript frontend library. Some developers consider it a frontend framework because it does more than standard libraries usually do.
React is an essential Javascript framework for web development. It is the most popular framework for developing web, mobile, and desktop app user interfaces.
A runtime system is a platform where a software program runs. It’s essentially an environment housing the collection of software and hardware that allows an app
This is the full React JS course. You will learn React JS, Redux, Hooks and Context
This course is the best way to learn complete React JS
You will learn React JS with hands-on examples
Dive in ReactJS
Learn how to create Single Page Web Application with Reactjs
Learn components, props, states and component life cycle methods in React js
Create reusable React Components
Learn sending request to an API and fetch data
User Inputs, Forms and Events in React
Routing with React Router
Learn to create multi-page web app with react-router-dom
Manage the data of our application with the Redux library
We will learn how to perform asynchronous operations with Redux thunk
Create context with class-based component
Learn to consume context with Context Consumer
Learn how to consume context with static contextType
How to manipulate context data in class-based components
Learn the most important hook functions like, useState, useEffect, useReducer and useContext
Learn how powerfull when we use Context and Hooks together
Learn how to easily build the largest and most advanced React applications
Learn routing with NodeJS
Frameworks provide an opinionated approach to building an entire application.

Who this course is for:
Anyone learning Angular should definetely understand how to Typescript works.
This Course is for every student who wants to extend his or her horizon beyond vanilla JavaScript
Anyone who Javascript developer looking to understand how to structure large codebases.
Beginner who wants to be React developer
Anyone who wants to build amazing React single page web applications
For those who want to learn React Hooks
Anyone who wants to learn React Js and its modern face Hooks & Context
Students who want to learn how to build fast single page web apps
For those who want to learn React Context API
Anyone interested in learning an extremely popular technology used by leading tech companies like Facebook, Instagram and Netflix
Anyone who wants to learn today’s most popular front-end architectures and take their Web development skills to the next level and learn a future-oriented technology
Who wants to learn React-Router, React-Portals and Redux
Anyone planning a job transformation and wants to become a React developer
Also, if you are looking to move in React-Native App development, it would be great for starting with React Js. Once you are familiar with concepts like JSX, props and states, same concepts are applied in React Native too. And moving into React Native would be so easy
Anyone who wants to learn Redux
Anyone who wants to learn Hooks
Anyone who wants to learn Context







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