Explore Linux Commands, Shell Scripting over a weekend | Udemy

Explore Linux Commands, Shell Scripting over a weekend | Udemy
English | Size: 4.4 GB
Genre: eLearning

What you’ll learn
linux operating system basics
basic linux commands
file and directory management commands
process management commands
linux root file system and hierarchy

Brief overview about linux operating system

Brief Introduction about Linux Operating Systems

History of Linux Operating System

Linux Distributions

Linux Kernel Architecture Fundamentals

Linux Basic Commands

uname – print system information

arch – print machine hardware architecture name

hostid – prints numeric identifier of current host

hostname – print local host name

free – display amount free and used memory in the system

id – prints real and effective user id and group id

logname – prints the user’s login name

whoami – prints the effect user id

users – prints the currently logged in users information

groups – print the groups that a user is in

who – show who is logged in

date – print or set the system date and time

cal – displays a calendar

printenv – print all or part of environment variables

echo – writes argument into standard output

cd – change the current working directory

mkdir – make directories

df – reports file system disk space usage

du – estimates the file space usage

which – shows full path of the command

whatis – displays one line manual page descriptions

whereis – locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command

sum – checksum and count the blocks in a file

cksum – checksum and count the bytes in a file

md5sum – compute and check MD5 message digest

base64 – base64 encode/decode data and print to standard output

sha1sum – compute and check SHA1 message digest

sha256sum – compute and check SHA256 message digest

sha384sum – compute and check SHA384 message digest

sha512sum – compute and check SHA512 message digest

File and Directory Management Commands

mkdir – make directories

rmdir – remove empty directories

rm – remove files or directories

rm – remove files or directories

reverse search of commands instead of typing in command terminal

cd – change the working directory

basename, dirname – strip directory and suffix from filenames

cp – copy files and directories

mv — move files

ln – make links between files

unlink – call the unlink function to remove the specified file

stat, fstat, lstat, fstatat – get file status

od – dump files in octal and other formats

cat – concatenate files and print on the standard output

tac – concatenate and print files in reverse

nl – number lines of files

head – output the first part of files

tail – output the last part of files

more – file perusal filter for crt viewing

less – opposite of more

grep — search a file for a pattern

tr – translate or delete characters

cut – remove sections from each line of files

Process Management Commands

ps – report a snapshot of the current processes.

pstree – display a tree of processes

uptime – displays system running time

kill – sends a signal to the process

nice – run a program with modified scheduling priority

top – display Linux processes

pmap – report memory map of a process

slabtop – display kernel slab cache information in real time

tload – graphic representation of system load average

lsof – list open files

proc – process information pseudo-filesystem

procinfo – Shows System Statistics from /proc Filesystem

Linux Root File System and Hierarchy










Linux Shell Scripting Basics

Brief Introduction

Simple Shell Script

Shell Variables

Array variables

Arithmetic Operators

If – Decision Making

Relational Operators

Boolean Operators

String Operators

File test operator

Control Loop ( While, For, Until )

Who this course is for:
fresh / beginner / passionate of linux operating systems



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