PluralSight – Idisposable Best Practices For C Sharp Developers Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 302.23 MB
Category: C#
IDisposable is at the heart of .NET. This course will teach you all about implementing and using IDisposable in C#, and show you what goes wrong if you don’t use IDisposable, so you know why you need to use it in your solutions.
IDisposable is at the heart of .NET, and it’s been there since the first release. It is the only part of the framework where .NET asks for your help. If you don’t use IDisposable correctly, the .NET Garbage Collector can’t manage memory properly, so your app won’t run efficiently, it may have strange errors, and it will eventually crash. This course will teach you all about implementing and using IDisposable in C#, and show you what goes wrong if you don’t use IDisposable, so you know why you need to use it in your solutions.