PluralSight – UNIX and UNIX Systems The Big Picture Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 74.30 MB
Category: Tutorial
Sometimes custom hardware projects require custom software. And derivatives of the UNIX OS – including Linux – are often the best place to start your search. If you’re working on something that’s going to need a bit of an out-of-the-box software stack, then *nix is what you’re after. In this course, UNIX and UNIX Systems: The Big Picture, you’ll get all the UNIX and Linux background you’ll need to inform your choices. First, you’ll learn about the stormy – but incredibly productive – history of UNIX. Next, you’ll discover what exactly it is that defines a UNIX system Finally, you’ll be introduced at a high level to compiling your own custom versions of the Linux kernel and building your own Linux distribution. When you re finished with this course, you ll have the knowledge you need of the way UNIX works to better understand what you can do with *nix systems and what they can do for you