Layla Martin – Foundations of Orgasm Mastery for Women

Layla Martin – Foundations of Orgasm Mastery for Women
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Category: Tutorial

If youre into a life filled with more passion & sensuality, then
I’ve got a story for you.

You see, EVERY woman was created perfect and lovely, even if she sometimes forgets this.

You and I were born with an abundance of:

While that was our natural state, many things happened in my life that severely diminished my passion, love & ability to fully embrace my sexual self.

It went on diminishing until I forgot how spectacular I once was, and I felt as though there was something wrong with me instead.

I lived that way for many years, feeling somewhat disconnected to my true self. And since EVERY woman I have ever known has been through this shutdown in her own way you have probably felt your natural passion, love and full sexual expression diminish in some way, too.

So if you came here feeling like there is more sexual magnificence in you, just waiting to wake up… You have come to the right place.

The Path to Total Pleasure

I want to take a moment and say

this process of feminine awakening is happening all over the world.

There are many amazing teachers and practices to choose from, and this course is most definitely not the only way.

However, if you’re feeling called to work with me, & feel like it’s part of your path, then I’m super thrilled that we’ll get to do this process together.

Discover your most exquisite sexual expression
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I want to give you a big internet hug for stopping by to check out my Obliss Orgasmic Masterclass.

If you’re into a life filled with more passion & sensuality, then
I’ve got a story for you.

You see, EVERY woman was created perfect and lovely, even if she sometimes forgets this.

You and I were born with an abundance of:

While that was our natural state, many things happened in my life that severely diminished my passion, love & ability to fully embrace my sexual self.

It went on diminishing until I forgot how spectacular I once was, and I felt as though there was something wrong with me instead.

I lived that way for many years, feeling somewhat disconnected to my true self. And since EVERY woman I have ever known has been through this shutdown in her own way you have probably felt your natural passion, love and full sexual expression diminish in some way, too.

So if you came here feeling like there is more sexual magnificence in you, just waiting to wake up… You have come to the right place.

Radiant Love &
Innocent Spirituality

I did some serious work to re-ignite my own feminine radiance.

Although I did not battle a fire breathing dragon, I did throw myself totally into almost every therapy modality, spiritual practice, educational program and messed up relationship…until I got answers.

And while my life isn’t perfect, I did go from being numb and self-criticizing, to being very alive, sexually ecstatic and beautifully in love.

I struggled less and celebrated more.

The process was at times terrifying and I often felt nervous and on the edge of a big breakthrough, but it was also full of the most beautiful experiences.

If you want some of that… I’d like to share some of the wisdom that got me there.

But how do you create a new habit of pleasure?
By spending more time in pleasure.

There is a whole body of practices I call, The Feminine Sexual Arts.

They work directly on your body to reawaken your hormonal health. These arts boost your natural state of self-love and unlock the wellspring of desire and sexual joy within you.

They allow you to create a new habit of pleasure, which in turn brings your body into an optimal hormonal, biological and energetic state.

Mastering Your Feminine Sexual Arts

And what’s the greatest source of pleasure in
your body?
Your sexual turn-on!

But it isn’t climax that’s the real source of putting you in a new sexual habit.

It’s what I call the pleasure zone.

Think about it…that space after you get turned on but before climax is so full of pleasure. However, most of us are skipping right over that pleasure.

We’e rushing through sex, or judging ourselves for taking too long.

When you take all of your time, and really cultivate the pleasure zone in your sexuality, you are retraining your brain for the habit of pleasure.

This gives you the foundation of biological and hormonal health that is necessary for feeling wonderful.

The Obliss
Masterclass Approach

This Obliss Masterclass is all about keeping you in your pleasure zone.

I created it to impart to you all my tools and practices that make the natural embodiment of pleasure possible.

I’m not promising it’s going to fix everything in six weeks ‘ that would be silly.

But I can say that it gives you lifelong ways to relate to your body and to embrace your sexuality, that can help you to feel greatly connected to yourself… and able to love yourself more as a woman.

Not to mention, pretty incredible orgasmic states!

Spending time in your ‘pleasure zone’

Together, we’re going to go on a journey using the tools I like to call your ‘Orgasmic Fundamentals.”

You were already born with these tools that can rebuild your inner state of love, passion and connection. They are:


Used in the wrong way, these tools can actually keep you out of the zone, and out of real pleasure.

Used in the right way, these tools are your superhighway to feeling great! The Obliss course shows you how to re-set and enhance your brain function, sexually, as a way to live your life passionately.

I call this being ‘Fully Orgasmic.’


Igniting your passion will help you feel…

You want more passion in your body and less stress

You want to break out of limiting sexual patterns and set off your orgasmic fireworks

You want to try out full-body orgasms, breath orgasms and multi-orgamsic orgasms!

You want a body that is bursting with pleasure

You are done looking for happiness outside, and are ready to find the source within

You want full confidence that you are a truly amazing lover

You want tools to release insecurities and fears and build more love inside

In a nutshell, this
course IS for you if

Able to orgasm without specific stimulation or fantasies

Magnetic and radiant, with or without a man!

Able to create deeply fulfilling orgasms

Naturally confident in your own skin

Enabled to keep passion alive
in any relationship

…and definitely not NOT for you if…

You want to keep playing games and hiding behind walls rather than creating true, deep intimacy

You’d rather focus on superficial beauty treatments rather than developing an inner radiance

You believe that sex is dirty, shameful and/or sinful and you don’t want to change those beliefs

You don’t want a sex-life that is deeper and more meaningful

You don’t believe that women thrive with support, love and community

You don’t want to do any work to release sexual insecurities and emotional baggage

You believe that women’s sexuality needs to be repressed and controlled

The Course Breakdown ‘ AKA Your Obliss Pleasure tools

This 6 week online course contains 24 transformative exercises and techniques.

The tools are drawn from deep Tantric wisdom, years of learning from women in my live workshops and my own orgasmic journey, all simplified into easy-to-learn video & audio exercises to help transform you into a modern day sex goddess.

The breakdown looks like this:

Week 01

Boost your natural pleasure and love chemicals and explore new ways of experiencing orgasm.

Loving Your Sexuality

Learn to unconditionally love your sexuality

Discover how to use all parts of your body to experience orgasmic pleasure

Build more self-love with advanced breast massage techniques

Week 02

Discover how to use pelvic floor techniques and meditations to supercharge orgasmic sensations.

Unlock Your
Sensational Ecstasy

Learn how to fully relax into orgasm by getting out of your head and into your body

Develop powerful pelvic floor muscle control and connection for more pleasure

Learn sensual and pleasurable squeezing techniques for more exquisite orgasms

Week 04

Discover how to release blockages & tensions in the body & surrender completely into the moment.

Unleash Your
Sexual energy

Learn to be emotionally fluid and comfortable with all your emotions

Gain confidence in expressing all of yourself emotionally and sexually

Learn sounding practices to stay connected to your authentic sexuality

Week 03

Learn breathing techniques to extend the length of your orgasm and experience full-body orgasms!

Expand Your
Pleasure Capacity

Release old, stuck emotions to awaken your full sexual vibrancy

Learn breathing and sounding techniques to supercharge your orgasmic pleasure

Learn simple keys to experience full body orgasm

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