The Linux Basics | Teachable

The Linux Basics | Teachable
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Genre: eLearning

As per Stack overflow’s insights the most common and the most loved platform happens to be Linux. If you do a quick search online on Linux you’ll see some interesting statistics. All of the fastest 500 supercomputers in the world run on Linux. 96.3 percent of the top 1 million web server run on Linux. And 86% of all smartphones are powered by Linux.

In the cloud and DevOps world, many of the new tools are developed and used in Linux environments first before they are made available on Windows. For example containerization tools like Docker was only available on Linux based systems for many years, before being supported on windows platforms. Similarly, automation tools like Ansible requires it to be installed in a Linux environment. Even though Ansible CAN manage windows systems as target machines, a Linux system is required to be the Ansible controller. In case of container orchestration tools like a Kubernetes cluster, the master nodes can only be Linux systems. As the documentation says, there are no plans to have a windows only Kubernetes cluster as of this recording. So when you go through our Kubernetes series of courses setting up a Kubernetes cluster is all done in Linux. The same is true for Certification exams. The Kubernetes and Red hat Ansible certification exams are all to be done on Linux systems. So if you plan to learn these technologies and get yourself certified, then it’s important to have knowledge of basic Linux Operating System.

DevOps Trend in the IT Industry is growing exponentially. and the demand for DevOps and Cloud engineers are on the rise. Every new job position now requires having knowledge of at least a few DevOps tools and at least one of the major cloud providers. And the demand is expected to grow. As more and more organizations are adopting Devops and running their workloads in the cloud, fundamental understanding of Linux is a must. Especially if you have been working in a windows dominated environment.

Some of the most common challenges our students report while learning DevOps are trouble navigating the Linux CLI. Lack of experience with the linux command line. Trouble navigating directory structures and working with files. No experience in working with text editors like VI editor. Understanding the different flavors of Linux? Handling errors during installation of applications and dependencies and configuring software repositories. Issues with networking and DNS in Linux. At other times it’s trouble with permissions and security, like when to use sudo? And how to configure permissions? Last but not least, the most common challenge of all is not having sufficient hands-on experience working with Linux. And that’s why we built this course. To help you get your foundations right.

In this course you’ll join Bob (a fictional character) who is a new intern at a fictional company named Caleston technologies. Bob is tasked to build and deploy an application for a client demo. Bob is new to Linux and faces numerous challenges while working on his Linux laptop and servers. You’ll join Bob in learning linux throughout this course.

All of our lectures use visualization techniques and analogies to simplify complex concepts. These will make the concepts not only easy to grasp but also to remember them in the long term.

Each lecture in this course is followed by our hands-on labs where you will be given challenges to solve. The labs open up right in your browser, so there is no hassle of setting up environments to practice. You start practicing seconds after the lecture is complete. The labs are fun to work with and give you challenges to solve. Once you solve these challenges we will validate your work and give you feedback on where you went wrong. If you are not sure how to solve a problem, use the hints to solve them. The most important thing while learning Linux, especially the Linux command line is practice. The 100s of questions in our labs throughout this course will give you enough hands-on practice to be confident in Linux.

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