99 queries to master SQL in less than 4 hours! | Udemy

99 queries to master SQL in less than 4 hours! | Udemy
English | Size: 2.66 GB
Genre: eLearning

What you’ll learn
Set up your environment by installing Management Studio and SQL Server.
Creating, deleting and modifying a database
Create, delete and modify a table.
Learning how to select data with the SELECT,Updating data with the UPDATE,Deleting data with DELETE and INSERT
Rename columns with aliases and Select a certain number of lines with the TOP
The usefulness of square brackets and comments on SQL
The IN, NOT IN, IS and IS NOT operators and Comparison operators = !=
Sort the data with the ORDER BY and Aggregate functions: MIN, MAV and AVG
Remove duplicates with the DISTINCT and Copying a table via SELECT INTO
AND and OR,BETWEEN operators and the HAVING.
Let’s combine the data with GROUP BY and the PRINT command.
A long chapter on SQL joins (INNER JOIN, LEFT and RIGHT JOIN, FULL OUTER JOIN,and so on).

Are you a (very) big beginner on SQL, and you want to learn quickly how to make queries in TSQL?

This course will therefore be ideal for you.

After having installed SQL server on your computer, we will approach in this course in the order :

The creation and definition of a table

Selecting, updating, deleting and inserting data (with SELECT, UPDATE etc…)

Select a certain number of lines with the TOP, remove duplicates with the DISTINCT.


Go even further in Transact SQL with UNION and UNION ALL, TRIM/LTRIM/RTRIM and UPPER/LOWER, etc…

Copy a table via SELECT INTO and comparison operators = != etc…

Aggregate functions: MIN, MAV and AVG

A long chapter of 1h 30 on joins! (INNER JOIN,LEFT/RIGHT JOIN FULL OUTER JOIN etc…)

Once this course is over, believe me that you will be much more comfortable with SQL and I also made sure that the videos don’t exceed 10 minutes, so that it won’t be too soporific 🙂

Why go for SQL technology?

SQL is one of the skills very actively sought after in the job market.

Administering an SQL server and querying in TSQL today is ensuring you have a full time job.

Moreover, SQL Server, because of its simplicity, allows you to quickly become proficient on very specific subjects.

Look at the average of my other courses (4,4/5), and you will see that my courses are quality courses 🙂

Who this course is for:
Beginners who don’t know anything about SQL Server, and who want to get started.
Future Database Administrators (DBAs)
Developers who want to learn about TSQL
BI consultants working on technologies other than SQL Server (Oracle etc…)



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